crvz's hole in the wall

"......the tank is still holding water, but it sure is filling slowly!"

*** Approx 15 hours later.... ***

Went and got the few things I still call my reef this morning

No messin' around I see!!! Pictures look promising from the new camera. I can envision some cool (underwater)shots popping up down the road on this thread. Cant wait!
Thanks for all the comments about the pictures/camera. I need to figure out better how the white balance works, and then see what kind of manual settings I can play around with. I have found out that turning on the macro mode is almost a must for those types of pictures, but otherwise I've barely spent any time on it.

How did you mount the controller? It's position scares me. I am envisioning it falling into the tank.

Some spit and glue. ;) Right now it's just with velcro. But I figure I have to use that whenever possible seeing as I work for the space program. And you're missing the point... if it falls in the water, then I can get an Apex!

Nice progress. So... whats next :p

Ah, a great question. I believe the house is taking priority for a while, there are still a couple rooms to unbox, then hanging pictures and making it a bit more like home. On top of that, the convergence ICs in my older projection TV went out, so I've got that on the to-do list (although I ordered a new 52" LCD just in case, yesterday I pulled out the chips that I suspect broke and ordered another pair).

Tank wise, I'll just keep chugging away at getting the room together. I still have to find an HVAC solution that best fits the budget, put up a wall to segregate the tank stuff from the rest of the garage. I also still need to commit to a display tank, which I've yet to do. For those that havent put it together, all the pictures are from what I intend to use as a frag tank/QT tank once the display is running.

So, if everything falls into place, I may have something set up in the summer, but if it drags out beyond that I wouldnt be surprised.
Gonna be cold tomorrow! With the tank in the garage, I have 400 watts of heaters going right now. I'll probably take the sump off line just to lose some of the water volume in case I'm loosing too much heat. Hopefully it will make it through. If I'm not too lazy, I'll snap a picture of the setup as it is right now. I added a sump and mounted a bunch of hardware.
Chris, do you not think that the extra water volume would help hold the heat? Perhaps you could temporarily insulate the sump to keep the heat in rather than turning the return pump off. Just a thought.
lot of surface area and water flow in the sump, I think it would be better just to turn it offline.
I played around with the tank today to see what held temps better by putting the return pump on my controller. I was monitoring temp at work and ended up having to turn the sump offline to give the heaters more of a chance. The real test, I suppose, will be tonight. Supposed to get down to 20, and everything is pretty well un-insulated. ;) Also, here's the junk mounted on the wall. I just screwed a piece of plywood into a couple studs so that I would have a secure place to mount everything. It's a wired mess right now, but I'll clean it up as we go along.


And here's the overflow I installed on this tank. I just have a 1" drain and return, and it'll probably only support about 600gph or so, but it's fine for my needs.

looking good :thumbsup:


I added a bunch of live rock to the tank and placed frags on rocks instead of the light diffuser. I'd like the new display to be filled with colonies in lieu of frags, so I'll probably use this tank as a means of growing out corals before they make it to the display. And while I was screwing around, I grabbed the camera. I liked these two shots.

Purple people eater favia, which has colored up great over the last number of months.


and the dragon skin acan.

Thanks, Leonardo!

Well a few things have decided themselves this weekend. First, I won't be using the 150 gallon tank for an in-wall display. Primarily because I sold it today. Also went with it was the sump pictured above, so I'm using a 30 gallon long for a sump right now. At the point, I have to a) decide what tank to use in-wall, and b) build a new sump. I think I'll make an unnecessarily large sump to handle a good amount of water flow, but I need to get some more acrylic before that happens.

Oh well, at least I have a little more cash on hand. I expect the old setup will get great use at it's new resting place, and maybe I'll even get to see it from time to time.