Thanks for all the comments about the pictures/camera. I need to figure out better how the white balance works, and then see what kind of manual settings I can play around with. I have found out that turning on the macro mode is almost a must for those types of pictures, but otherwise I've barely spent any time on it.
How did you mount the controller? It's position scares me. I am envisioning it falling into the tank.
Some spit and glue.

Right now it's just with velcro. But I figure I have to use that whenever possible seeing as I work for the space program. And you're missing the point... if it falls in the water, then I can get an Apex!
Nice progress. So... whats next
Ah, a great question. I believe the house is taking priority for a while, there are still a couple rooms to unbox, then hanging pictures and making it a bit more like home. On top of that, the convergence ICs in my older projection TV went out, so I've got that on the to-do list (although I ordered a new 52" LCD just in case, yesterday I pulled out the chips that I suspect broke and ordered another pair).
Tank wise, I'll just keep chugging away at getting the room together. I still have to find an HVAC solution that best fits the budget, put up a wall to segregate the tank stuff from the rest of the garage. I also still need to commit to a display tank, which I've yet to do. For those that havent put it together, all the pictures are from what I intend to use as a frag tank/QT tank once the display is running.
So, if everything falls into place, I may have something set up in the summer, but if it drags out beyond that I wouldnt be surprised.