Got one Radion G4 Pro installed tonite so I could compare them side by side.
Unfortunately, I don't have a par meter handy at the moment so this is just a visual comparison.
Later I'll test my par with all three and see how they stack up to the old numbers.
First, I was curious about the new power bricks.
On the left is the recent downsized brick from the G3 Pro. Some of you may already be familiar with these.
On the right is the new G4 brick. Obvious size difference.
Now here is a shot showing the G3 Pro on the left and G4 Pro on the right.
I went into Ecosmart live and made the new violet channel the same as the other blues and made the new white channel the same as the other white.
First thing I noticed is the overall brightness. The G4 definitely appears brighter to me.
Part of this is the fact that the lens hangs down below case. If you look at up at the lights, the G4 is a bit blinding. Actually, it almost makes you wonder if the G3 is turned on.
But the tank does appear more illuminated on that side.
Next, I noticed that the spread on the screen top is most definitely wider with the G4.
The lights are 16" off the top of the screen for reference.
And third, personally my favorite difference from a visual standpoint, is the color.
The best way I can describe it is the G4 feels more "full spectrum".
The white channel adds more of the yellow or white side of the spectrum and the violet seems to add more pink.
Running the Coral Lab AB+ program and like I said earlier, adding in the two extra channels on the G4, the G3 has that kind of washed out windex look where the G4 just has richer colors. You can see it in the rock. The rock on the left looks blue, and the rock on the right looks purple.
When both lights are on, it's subtle, but it's definitely there.
Now comes the fun part... lighting them up individually.
Both shots are taken with the same exact exposure, wb, etc.
No photoshopping, just a couple minor adjustments and the exact same adjustments applied to both photos.
The first pic is the G3, second is the G4.
The G3 barely lights up half the tank adequately, whereas the G4 is lighting up more like 3/4 of the tank.
There is obviously a lot more spread.
And now, you can really see the color difference.
You can probably tweak the channels to get the G3 closer to the G4, this is just me keeping the same AB+ program and adding in the two new colors.
Also, notice the spread front to back. The sand bed at the front is dark in pic 1, but lit up bright in pic 2.
Another thing to keep in mind is that my lights are hung front to back, so when just one is lit up, that's really just a one puck width.
The tank is 47" long.
That's it for now.
I'll get the others installed tomorrow.