New member
better to do the change now before the tank gets established and you will be afraid to disturb it. I have been there.
I cannot wait to see your rock wall.
Dennis, if you do re-plumb, the flex pvc does make life easier. You can take this price list to home depot and they will price match. The flex pvc is in the large rolls there and the smallest they have is 1", gets bigger. No one knows it by flex pvc but uses the name brand, careful with the people who work there, they are all unfamiliar with this stuff for some reason. They will keep pointing you to PEX and vinyl tubing, but they do have it and will price match (which you want because they are two to three times as much).
ya ya ya, i realize I would use the same welding cement.
What i'm wondering though is how to support it when it reaches my rubbermaid sump. Looking for a way to secure it to the sump.
I've also been stock piling spare pvc fittings and stuff that are eventually going back to BRS. In fact I just sent back a box of stuff today that I knew for sure I don't need anymore.
Thank you.
Just took an FTS shot. Not very exciting, but looks like it will be this way for the next few weeks until I get my rock from my old tank transferred over and then my new batch of TBS rock, sand, etc.
Looking good. I may have missed it but are those mp40s or mp60s?