Like I said before, don't blame SCE, blame Pete Wilson.
SCE had two of it's divisions broken up by deregulation. Under law, Edison is only allowed to charge a certain amount for power. While Bush's friend, Ken Lay, was selling power to SCE at $100 per kilowatt, Edison was only allowed to charge $8-$10 per kilowatt to thier customers. They were also contracted to provide power to most of So Cal, so they had to bite the bullet & take roughly a 900% loss on every kilowatt they sold. How many businesses that you know of would survive in that situation?
When Grey Davis asked Washington for help, Bush told him he wasn't getting involved. Of course not, his friend was making all the money. Recent laws have allowed Edison to raise thier rates to recoup thier losses & unfortunately, it's us that are assisting them.
So the blame goes to that great California governer, Pete Wilson.................still screwing Californians 10 years after he's out of office. Meanwhile, Ken Lay still walks the streets a free man.
If you really want to see how deregulation should work, look at Pennsylvania..............they deregulated the right way & thier rates have dropped 20%...