Daniel's RSM 250 SPS tank

Ooooohhhhh that's good porn Daniel........... :thumbsup:

If that yucky area gets any worse use boiling RO to sterilize the entire area up to healthy tissue. It's basically the same as cutting away RTN on tips to stop it spreading. I've had a few weird 'infected' spots that wouldn't go away so i nuked the site from orbit.......... it's the only way to be sure Daniel :blown:
Dan, I like your taste in porn!!!!!
Very nice!! :)
All the shots looks good.
Is there any way of directing more flow to that infected area? Maybe it's a flow issue... It actually looks like a big chunk of salt or something fell in there and damaged the coral..
I like how you left a small piece of green monti growing on the purple area..
Having said that, have you considered removing your montis, in general? They have to be the biggest suckers of calc and alk...

First Bad news: This Acro, is struggling to survive. See damage section (White)

I will wait. The main body is like a big tree and is well encrusted. Can't take it out to frag without destroying all the landscape .

Finally I was able to take it out. I fragged it.

This first picture I was not able to cut the RTN section, so I cleaned and dipped in antiseptic.

These are the other branches that were far from the RTN

This was the body of the colony.

More coming ..........

This weekend went to see a LFS that I did not have any idea that existed. A member of the local club mentioned. it was half hour driving........so I did the trip.

The shop was small, with not to many across, but among the stock I found this:


Keep your fingers crossed with this baby. Let see if it changes color under the T5 and my tank parameters. I hope it stays as it is.

Best to all
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MMMMMMM, nice shot Daniel!
Well that sucks about the coral that is struggling, but the others look pretty good.
Dan, I like your taste in porn!!!!!
Very nice!! :)
All the shots looks good.
Is there any way of directing more flow to that infected area? Maybe it's a flow issue... It actually looks like a big chunk of salt or something fell in there and damaged the coral..
I like how you left a small piece of green monti growing on the purple area..
Having said that, have you considered removing your montis, in general? They have to be the biggest suckers of calc and alk...

Thank you Matt and Matt !!!!

It was touching another Acro in that branch . And has been dead for months. With the issue in my tank, look like STN started from that branch.....but who knows.

Montiporas will go if I need the real state. I like them, but you are correct, they probably use a lot of Alk & Ca. Fast growers.

Very very nice! Except for the troubled acro everything looks great! Good luck with the SSC.

Thank you Mark. Your words give me hope to continue independently of all these small issues.
Yes, in average the tank is moving alone, but still some of those pretty acros do not have the polyp extencion they used to. But they are alive and healthy. .....I hope.
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Ooooohhhhh that's good porn Daniel........... :thumbsup:

If that yucky area gets any worse use boiling RO to sterilize the entire area up to healthy tissue. It's basically the same as cutting away RTN on tips to stop it spreading. I've had a few weird 'infected' spots that wouldn't go away so i nuked the site from orbit.......... it's the only way to be sure Daniel :blown:

Thank you Andrew! !!

I never heard that of the boiling water. Unfortunately I can't move my corals like you. After deeply thoughts, I couldn't think of a way to follow your suggestion without affecting the neighborhood corsls. So I started to frag it inside the tank and when cutting one of the braces the guy pop out of the stone.......good !!!

Finally we got in the area one of "your Aussie SSC" :beer:

I hope it keeps the color patern that has now.

Beautiful acro pics, the colors are beautiful and they are growing too, your tanks looks so much larger than it is :) Keep up the great progress, not to worry to much about the one stubborn coral, we all have those, it will bounce back in no time at all!!!
Beautiful acro pics, the colors are beautiful and they are growing too, your tanks looks so much larger than it is :) Keep up the great progress, not to worry to much about the one stubborn coral, we all have those, it will bounce back in no time at all!!!

Thank you Perry !!!!!

This morning I saw my , a few weeks old, echinata with STN. I had to catch a flight so I left home knowing that at my return it will be gone. Oh well.........

Best , Daniel
Argh :(

What happened, any idea?

No idea !!!!

They were perfect and 5 days later gone.

I measured Alk at my arrival from the airport at 11 pm this Friday and was 6.3 dkh. That is aceptable at that time because the dosing pumps work from Midnight till 5 PM. During that time alk is,~6.5 -6.7 dkh (when I left home). No I increased the dosing 2 ml as part of my weekly calibration.

So.....that's it.

The strongest will survive. There is nothing else and I will not lose 1 minute more thinking about it.

Have you read this :

The reference is in the previous page of this thread.

I am ENJOIN MY TANK as it is !!!!!
