Thanks guys for such nice discussions.
A year ago , when I have a real crash due to high nutrients I started the fuge and Matrix. I feed every other day until all started to work and P / N went to acceptable levels.
Colors started to pop, the system was in equilibrium, I got more fish, feed more and all was doing well. Until I broke that equilibrium with my salt change plus my bad luck...BLA bla. As I posted a couple of posts behind.
I belive that having now less corals, and the ones alive, that are not growing a lot (some yes, others not at all), I started acumulating P & N . At least the not used portion related to the corals.
I belive the fuge still does his job. Macros grow like weeds. About Matrix , I am not sure how I can validate if they have or not reduced their bacteria population. But I started last week seeding again Probidio. As I did a year ago.
So, my strategy, for this week, will be to repeat what I did after my previous crash...... reduce the feeding.
This week I will not be traveling, so I will have an oportunity to measure P and N frequently and see what happens with my feed,reduction.
Thank you for comments........ what do you think about my rationale ?