Daniel's RSM 250 SPS tank

Hope everything turns around Daniel!

I'm using a test acro, just bought, to see how it does. Sometimes these darn acros will start to die not because anything new happened but because of something that went wrong weeks ago. IMO anyway. It can drive a person batty. :spin2:

Thanks for the explanation. I have now a clear idea about the circumstances that affected your corals. I have never used a probiotic salt, but bacteria will quickly multiply if you do not use a fresh salt mix quickly.

I hope your corals will pick up quickly from this point onwards. Bacteria based methodologies can be unforgiven at times, especially they depend on efficient skimming to remove excess bacteria. In this contact, power outage cannot have helped.
Thank you guys for the positive energy. I am confident this will pass.

The "test coral" idea is good..... gave me the excuse to go and find a new acro for one of those empty spots..... Ja Ja :bounce2: :bounce3:

Best !!!!!
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Thank you guys !!!!!

I am in the parking lot of my LFS. Guess what.... I got my acro and I found that they are carrying the full Aquaforest line. They have ALL the products now here.

I was tempted to buy the REEF SALT, but I said ....NO ....GRRRRRR
Some numbers:

Salinity 1026

Alk ~ 8 dkh ( I like to measure always at around 9-10 pm) now is early

Ca 450 ppm

PO4 0.09 ppm. ......HIGH !!!

NO3 10 ppm. ........TOO HIGH! !!!

This week I will feed every other day and will see what happens with that PO4 and NO3 .

That's all folks! !

So sorry. The tank was stunning with really good acro colouration. It's really sad to see this happening. I hope things get better. I had a similar "crash" a couple of years ago. The only way I saved some of my corals was to put them in a friends system (after dipping and confirming no pests etc) and restart. Hopefully it wont be anything like. that...I was losing SPS/LPS etc. So my situation was worse.

Keep things stable and rinse frozen foods before feeding where possible and keep up the water changes. Good luck.
Why does Daniel need to do that? If it is due PO4, rinsing will have very minimal impact, if at all. Mathematics of it was justified by RHF a while ago on this forum.

Recommended by Mike Palleta. I'm aware of the RHF article but I guess when trying to keep PO4 low, and without having to revert to using GFO, depending on how much frozen foods one feeds and the amount of PO4 in the food it could have an impact. I guess my idea behind it is that when a tank is in decline, running chemical filtration doesnt always help the situation...I try and rely on water changes a lot more, but keeping the fish well fed helps.
Thanks guys for such nice discussions.

A year ago , when I have a real crash due to high nutrients I started the fuge and Matrix. I feed every other day until all started to work and P / N went to acceptable levels.

Colors started to pop, the system was in equilibrium, I got more fish, feed more and all was doing well. Until I broke that equilibrium with my salt change plus my bad luck...BLA bla. As I posted a couple of posts behind.

I belive that having now less corals, and the ones alive, that are not growing a lot (some yes, others not at all), I started acumulating P & N . At least the not used portion related to the corals.

I belive the fuge still does his job. Macros grow like weeds. About Matrix , I am not sure how I can validate if they have or not reduced their bacteria population. But I started last week seeding again Probidio. As I did a year ago.

So, my strategy, for this week, will be to repeat what I did after my previous crash...... reduce the feeding.

This week I will not be traveling, so I will have an oportunity to measure P and N frequently and see what happens with my feed,reduction.

Thank you for comments........ what do you think about my rationale ?

Rational sounds ok, but I don't like reduced feeding for the fishes. Maybe reduce daily feeding but don't skip days? Regardless, good luck!

We need pictures of the test acro. :)
Rational sounds ok, but I don't like reduced feeding for the fishes. Maybe reduce daily feeding but don't skip days? Regardless, good luck!

We need pictures of the test acro. :)

Tomorrow. I wanted to give some "recovery time" after the dipping.

Give me a week as I did before (feeding other day) and let me see if there is any change.

Today I didn't feed. Tomorrow afternoon I will report here the P and N levels. Let's see if there is any change.


I've just read thru this whole thread and I am amazed at your coral whisperer skills.

I had a chalice collection that was high end and things were going great. Then a new salt came out called bio-actif. I used it and I lost every single coral. It crashed my nutrient levels because I didn't understand what was going on. My N and P went to zero.

I say go back to doing what you did when your tank was in perfect condition and DONT CHANGE ANYTHING.

You have proved you can run an awesome tank. It's when you tried to change that salt that issues started. I did the same thing. Never again.

Ur tank is very inspirational and I thank you for showing us all how you do it. I've learned a ton from this thread..... Respect.
I agree, go back to doing what you were doing when things were going well. Not saying the AF salt is at fault here but it just helps with the process of elimination kind of thing.
I am sorry to hear about the issues with your tank. I hope you get things balanced out again, as mentioned, your tank has already proven beautiful colors, growth, and health.
Kind Regards,
Thank you all for the positive comments and encouragement to continue.

Here is the "test Acro "

Have a nice day all !!!
