Daniel's RSM 250 SPS tank

Following along this crazy ride. I have faith the tank will balance out.

Have you lost any shrimp or snails since the switch to AF salt?
Following along this crazy ride. I have faith the tank will balance out.

Have you lost any shrimp or snails since the switch to AF salt?

Thanks Kevin. I do too believe that all will be OK in the near future. I will miss the already lost corals.

No, I have not lost any snails that I was able to notice. I do not have shrimps. I do have a lot of hermit crabs, different snail types and many starfish.

The AF salt was OK.

Why the question about shrimps and snails ?

Today's measurements at 7 PM

PO4 0.09 ppm

NO3. 5 ppm. ( I have the impression yesterday I saw the comparison color wrong - 10 ppm - Today my wife and myself compared the colors under 2 different lights . We arrived to the conclusion it was 5 ppm....... Mama mía. ... it's easier to Send a rocket to the moon ..... :lolspin: )


Alk will come at ~ 9-10 pm
Today's measurements at 7 PM

PO4 0.09 ppm

NO3. 5 ppm. ( I have the impression yesterday I saw the comparison color wrong - 10 ppm - Today my wife and myself compared the colors under 2 different lights . We arrived to the conclusion it was 5 ppm....... Mama mía. ... it's easier to Send a rocket to the moon ..... :lolspin: )


Alk will come at ~ 9-10 pm


In my opinion, it is best if you test during day time rather than under artificial lights. I would test in front of a north facing window away from direct sun lights.

Do you think the matrix dissolves somewhat and in turn maybe gives off some minerals? Much like the way oolitic sized sand dissolves and provides alk/cal etc... I'm trying to decide between sipromax and matrix? I'm just amazed at how fast your growth rate is.

Do you think the matrix dissolves somewhat and in turn maybe gives off some minerals? Much like the way oolitic sized sand dissolves and provides alk/cal etc... I'm trying to decide between sipromax and matrix? I'm just amazed at how fast your growth rate is.

Well..... some corals growth fast. Others are very slow and I have some that hasn't growth at all in months, many months. :spin1:

I posted those pictures to wake up my spirit and post something positive. At least not all is dead in my tank. Those guys have excellent polyp extension during the day and night.

Matrix is a very porous stone. That's it. Users say that Siporax is better. Just look the postings of Reefvet in the siporax/matrix thread. If I am correct he said is similar. Please check that.

I hope this helps.

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Alk stable at ~8 dkh. A few minutes ago was 8.2 dkh.

I will report again tank parameters at the end of the week.

Have you all a good night and thank you very much for you suggestions and encouraging comments !!!!!

Hi all

As I said in my previous posting here are my parameters after a week.

Alk. 8 dkh
PO4. 0.1 ppm
N3. 5 ppm

Stable , but colonies still dying .

This one was in the tank since the start August 2013.

More have died during the week and another, like a big tree, is following.

I'm so sorry to hear things are still dying. Hopefully this is just leftover damage from whatever happened and things will settle down soon!
Thank you guys !!!!

This was a nice middle size colony that I was able to frag two nice pices......but one didn't make it. I hope the other hold on and survives.

Look at the back a purple acro beside a white one.....you can gues what is the dead one.

Sunday update :-)

First the bad news: last Sunday I woke up to find that my latest added SSC started during night to RTN

Took it out , trimmed that section, dipped in iodine, glued, and 2 hours later the RTN continued. By the end of the day, I was only able to save this frag:

That frag is better than nothing !!!. After a week the polyps are out again, not fully extended but at least out.

I have 2 big colonies of the below coral. One is like a hand going out of the rocks and the other like a tree shape. Both have not shown ANY polyp for the last month. And the tree shape colony have branches that died. Zoom the below picture, see around the middle:

The good news is that it hasn't advance more during the week. As of today those sections are the only dead ones.
The hand shaped one has some base recesion, but branches are ok.
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Sunday update continues:

The test Acro is doing well (2 weeks ? I have to check my posting day when I got it) . It is shoving in 2 tips a clear color, typically the one of growth. But let's wait.

Yesterday I was at the LFS buying salt and I saw these 2 and with the TEST SPS EXCUSE I bought them ... :-)

They are sitting beside my 2.5 year old green policipora (?) That is slowly dying.

All the survivors (80%) of my tank are showing signs of health and growth, slow growth, but growth! !!! As an example I took the picture of this frag: See the encrusting base.

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Update continues :

The tank has been stable for,a full month now at 8 dkh. I Hanoi measured the P & N this week. I will try today.

Here are some closer pictures of the 2 NEW TEST SPS.. :-)

I hope they keep the pink color.... let see.

Bottom line, the tank looks stable again, I am using AF ProBio S , half dose, every day to keep Bacterias in good shape. I had a little ciano in the fuge that is slowly dissappearing. Started again with my normal feeding schedule. Later I will measure N and P. But as I always say..... it is what it is in my life style. I am trying to do the best that i can for these guys.

Cheers all