Daniel's RSM 250 SPS tank

Hey Dan. I'm very happy to see you're positive update!
This is great news!
Things are looking much better.
How do you find the algae in your fuge is growing with nutrients so high?
Faster or slower?
Good luck with the np pro. I am using it as well. Like Mike (glaukos) I have found that slightly above the recommended dose is when I began to have positive results.
But take your time with it.
Hey Dan. I'm very happy to see you're positive update!
This is great news!
Things are looking much better.
How do you find the algae in your fuge is growing with nutrients so high?
Faster or slower?
Good luck with the np pro. I am using it as well. Like Mike (glaukos) I have found that slightly above the recommended dose is when I began to have positive results.
But take your time with it.

Now that you mention, macro algae is growing slower now. Since I started reducing the food fish, i have seen a slowering in algae growth. Last time i pruned my fuge was a month ago, at least. Since then algae has grown, but not fast at all.

Could it be that to have my previous growth rate (pruning every ~ 2-3 weeks) I need higher nutrients levels ?

Neither looks like the amount of Macro I have today are able to reduce my actual levels of Phos. ...... but I have to tell you that it is very green and healthy.

Yesterday night I was watching the first season of Criminal Minds when at the end of an episode was this citation.

I will try to remember it each day !!!

The Sunrise in my tank !!!. Fish are still hiding

Independently of all the ups and downs of this tank , I feel blessed with it.

Best to all !!!
Fish started to wake up and activity in the tank increase every minute.

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The survivors are looking pretty good!
I have heard that high po4 actually irritates the macro algae and inhibits its growth.. I really couldn't say where I read this, though..
Would you consider adding some iron? Maybe the algae is iron limited..
The survivors are looking pretty good!
I have heard that high po4 actually irritates the macro algae and inhibits its growth.. I really couldn't say where I read this, though..
Would you consider adding some iron? Maybe the algae is iron limited..

If what you have read is correct, then correlates with what is happening in my fuge.

I can add Iron Matt, but I am afraid of adding something without measuring it. Is there a reliable and simple kit ?

As I'm sure you are aware, Daniel, iron interacts on many levels in the tank with both bacteria and algae.
I suggest it to you because you are an experienced reefer and know not to use it without caution.
Salifert and Red Sea make an iron test kit..
Iron gets metabolized very quickly in a reef, so it's often hard to get accurate readings. The best method is to add it and test within an hour of dosing to get a 'maximum' concentration reading.
With high nutrients, it's hard to know how it will affect the system..
Tank looks great to me, I still love the look! Hopefully everything stabilizes again!

Thank you Mark !!!!

I have to pay a visit to your thread. It's a few days I read the last postings and all looks like is going in the right way there too.

As I'm sure you are aware, Daniel, iron interacts on many levels in the tank with both bacteria and algae.
I suggest it to you because you are an experienced reefer and know not to use it without caution.
Salifert and Red Sea make an iron test kit..
Iron gets metabolized very quickly in a reef, so it's often hard to get accurate readings. The best method is to add it and test within an hour of dosing to get a 'maximum' concentration reading.
With high nutrients, it's hard to know how it will affect the system..

Thank you Matt for considering me an expert, but I know I am very far of being one. I always try to apply my biology background, but is not always working...... :-(

I will cach-up with my reading about Iron and its biology on a reef Tank. I have already been twice in the border of the catastrophe. I would kindly appreciate if you can tell me your own experience with iron.

BTW If I will be talking with a friend in Argentina I will say " El que se quema con leche ve la vaca y llora" = " which burns with milk see the cow and crie" . Have you ever burned a hand with very hot milk ? My almost twice tank catastrophes feel like a milk burnt in my heart. In other words, I am soooo afraid of changing things in the tank...........

Lets continue the Iron discussion!!!

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I totally understand your reluctance to mess with things. Especially if things are stable now...
Since your fuge is such a significant part of your nutrient control system, it would seem to be an area to try to make flourish again..
You say it isn't growing like it used to.. I wonder why?
Maybe your system is iron limited..
I would think fish food and water changes are the only possible sources of iron and I don't know how much iron there is in salt mixes.
You've reduced your feeding, as well.
I seem to recall that nutrient reducing bacteria can also become iron limited and stop processing n and p properly..
The problem with iron is that so many thing use it to grow- the bad types of bacteria and algae like it as much as the good types..
Hi Folks

Yesterday I had a knee Arthroscopic ( Arthroscopic medial menisectomy , Chondroplasty - debridement of cartilage - ). It will put me out of office work for at least 3 weeks and out of flight trips for at least 2 months. This means more time to check the tank recovery and evolution..... and to take pictures .... :-)


A section of the tank

Best Daniel
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