Daniel's RSM 250 SPS tank

Dan, I'm seeing a lot of positive signs..
I hope they continue.
You have a system with a very small water to bioload ratio..
Maybe somewhere along the way, with all the mishaps last winter, your system has gotten out of ionic balance or maybe micro elements are low or high....
Have you considered doing a series of large water changes to see if that doesn't help?
Dan, I'm seeing a lot of positive signs..
I hope they continue.
You have a system with a very small water to bioload ratio..
Maybe somewhere along the way, with all the mishaps last winter, your system has gotten out of ionic balance or maybe micro elements are low or high....
Have you considered doing a series of large water changes to see if that doesn't help?

Hi Matt, thank you for stopping on the thread and providing ideas.

No, I have not done any big water change or series of it. What I am very constant and have not failed in the last 3 years are on my weekly Water changes. The total volume, not taking into consideration rocks, sand, etc , is 105 G. And I am changing every week 15 G . It is a 15 % .

What I am not doing is adding anything beside what is dissolved in the B-ionic 2 parts.

I do agree with you. The system is getting better. I am almost sure the worst is gone.

I still keep my fingers crossed.

All the best !!!

Ps: about overpopulation.....3 weeks ago I promised all my family that no new corals will be added. So far I was able to keep my word.......but it's not easy man :-)
From a ROBERTO VICARIO song, a piece of a poem i cant find the author:

Never say never
Never say ever
Never say words that compromise you........
Dan, just tell your family your were practicing to be a politician when you promised not to buy any more corals. That way it doesn't matter what you said because politicians never keep their promises.
It's all good! :)
Dan, just tell your family your were practicing to be a politician when you promised not to buy any more corals. That way it doesn't matter what you said because politicians never keep their promises.
It's all good! :)


You make my evening. Now I am departing to England. Let see what I find at my return. If I need to replace a coral I will do as politicians....then I sleep in the coach....because my wife is the President at home....:bounce3:
Dan, just tell your family your were practicing to be a politician when you promised not to buy any more corals. That way it doesn't matter what you said because politicians never keep their promises.
It's all good! :)


Have a good trip dan and let's see what your political carrier will bring home with you:p
Daniel, I got the pics of the fuge and am totally jealous, lol... I absolutely love how you have created an ecosystem that thrives on multiple levels. Cheers My Friend!!!
Dan I'm super stoked to see that latest FTS, you definitely had a rough go but saving what you did is fantastic! Your tank is still beautiful and you should be proud buddy, thanks for sharing your success and failures. :)
Hey Dan, sorry to be a bug about this but why wouldn't you try doing a series of large water changes to try to rebalance any possible shifts that may have occurred in your tank over the past few years?
Hi Daniel,

I've read your thread from head to toes and it's been like an emotional rollercoaster. It's been a long time since your last update and I'd like to read something good about the current state of the tank.

Have you ever considered a bacterial infection? The way your corals were dying, some at a time instead of all at the same time gives me the impression of something "spreading". Did you ever made a map of the corals position and the way it "spread"?

I had a similar issue with my new tank. All parameters were fine but nitrates and my corals were dying one at a time. Now I'm able to keep corals again but I stopped adding corals for a long (at least for me was very long) time. When a coral showed RTN was inmediately fragged or trashed. DiscusHeckel pointed you to do something similar to avoid spreading the damage on post #376.

Hope you can reverse this situation.

Hi Daniel,

I've read your thread from head to toes and it's been like an emotional rollercoaster. It's been a long time since your last update and I'd like to read something good about the current state of the tank.

Have you ever considered a bacterial infection? The way your corals were dying, some at a time instead of all at the same time gives me the impression of something "spreading". Did you ever made a map of the corals position and the way it "spread"?

I had a similar issue with my new tank. All parameters were fine but nitrates and my corals were dying one at a time. Now I'm able to keep corals again but I stopped adding corals for a long (at least for me was very long) time. When a coral showed RTN was inmediately fragged or trashed. DiscusHeckel pointed you to do something similar to avoid spreading the damage on post #376.

Hope you can reverse this situation.


Thank you Sergi for your interest in the tank !!!!

NO, I have not done anything of what you mention there. As you have read I travel a lot, and most of the time when I arrived home was late to save or try saving some pieces.

Hope to hear some good news, Daniel! :)


Thank you for your interest !!!!. For some reason I didn't see this posting a couple of days ago. In other words , I didn't see my thread on the first page. The threads move so fast


Things are starting to settle FINALLY !!!! At least this means NO RTN in the last weeks.

Growth is VERY SLOW . But that is due to still high nutrients in the tank. Phosp ~ 0.20 ppm and Nitrates ~ 25 ppm. I will measure again this weekend and will update.

I added another media reactor with Siporax a month ago or so. But still nothing. My system lost totally the equilibrium concerning nutrients. I am also feeding half food to the fish. But the guys have grown a lot. Yes, I still have the same # fish (~20) but now some with twice the size. Well... that's life.

To help a little the nutrient reduction I decided to add NP Pro with a peristaltic pump. I have been using for the last 3-4 months Pro Bio S (half dose for my tank size). My rational was "why carbon dosing if these bacterias have more than enough food". Well, that rational was not working. So a week ago started (half dose) dosing NP Pro.

See picture and avoid any criticism to my wires dispositions....LOL

Now some FTS:

Now pictures of some survivors.

This SSC have been encrusting during the last months. But not branch growth. But is alive !!!!

Pictures were taking in a rush. This weekend will try to improve them.

There are some more.........
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Finally this SSC decided to start growing some branches "HURRAY". This one is a survivor of my first crash. The small frag (middle of the picture, has like 1/2 inch) decided to encrust during more than a year or almost. Went to my last disaster and still is there. Now finally some branch growing.

This is a 1/2 inch funny acro. It has been there for motnhs and every week is a litle better.

Another SSC frag survivor from a decent mini colony. Every week a little better !!!

This is all for now folks

Have a great Evening !!!!!!!!!!!!


PS: Alk has been stable in the last motnhs at ~7.5 dkh
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