Daniel's RSM 250 SPS tank

I am first going to say congratulations on the knee. I had mine done before and after recovery it absolutely was the best thing I could have done. Was so much better!
Next I'm going to say congratulations for the tank...it's looking awesome. To me it looks like any troubles you had are well gone.
Thank you Nick, Michael and Andrew.

Your comments about the tank are encouraging.

Knee is doing very well, following all the medical indications. It is a strange feeling when a nurse place a mask parcially covering your mouth and tells you "breath deeply, 1, 2, 3".....then I open my eyes in the recovery room. Done !! . I only remember that mask and the third breathing. No slow transition.

I played rugby in Argentina in my twenties, since then my right knee was bothering me. For a period of ~10 years all small pains disappeared. Suddenly, during the last year it was absolutely very painful and finish in this surgery.

Bottom line, so far so good !!! as an old coworker like to say in the office.

The tank is going on, with every day signs of recovery. One week and a half have passed since I started the NP Pro and Pro Bio S 1/2 dose both. I will wait a few days more to increase the dose or better until I can measure N and P.

All the best !!!
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Unfortunately PO4 and N3 are still high.

PO4 = 0.25 ppm Salifert

N3 = 25 ppm Salifert

CA = 435 ppm Salifert

I have been dosing half of NP Pro and Pro Bio S for a week. Tomorrow I will increase the dose.
Hope your recovery continues to go well, congrats on the time off to spend with your tank! :D Those latest photos are looking great! :thumbsup:
Hi Folks

Yesterday I had a knee Arthroscopic ( Arthroscopic medial menisectomy , Chondroplasty - debridement of cartilage - ). It will put me out of office work for at least 3 weeks and out of flight trips for at least 2 months. This means more time to check the tank recovery and evolution..... and to take pictures .... :-)


A section of the tank

Best Daniel

Great update! The corals are glowing, I can see that the tank has settled, everything looks super open and happy! Great job, sorry to hear about your knee, but enjoy some time with your reef, heal quickly buddy! Cheers :)
Love the rich colors in your tank, no starved coral look there. And thank you for keeping us posted throughout the entire recovery process. I try to learn from my own tank issues, but if I can learn while watching others I may get a
little ahead of the curve.
In the last pic, is that orange a Setosa? If so, how long did it take to get that size?
Josh and Perry Thank you very much for the encouragment

Still the last words have not yet been written in stone. I have a couple of acros that are suffering yet. But the non ending RTNs have stopped.

Keep your finger crossed !!!

Love the rich colors in your tank, no starved coral look there. And thank you for keeping us posted throughout the entire recovery process. I try to learn from my own tank issues, but if I can learn while watching others I may get a
little ahead of the curve.
In the last pic, is that orange a Setosa? If so, how long did it take to get that size?

Thank you very much Kevlow

The colors are good, and if they stay as they are now I will not regret it at all. It is what it is. This is the system I can have in balance with my personal and working life. I travel too much and need to have things simple , as much as I can.

If you go some pages back you will see that with low nutrients the colors are different. I will post the same SSC before and after my last crash/tank issue.

My Phos still are 0.25 ppm "today".

Yes, it is a Setosa. It has been ~ a year , probably. Will check my postings to be more precise. But be careful, with high nutrients all SPS grow very slowly. But still she survived the issues and keep growing.... very slowly!!!!!

Best Daniel

JUNE 28 , 2015

JULY 2016

On this second picture you can see like a small colony over the biggest. Those are small branches brooken by the fish and Glued there. Now they have encrusted and are part of the starting branched frag.
That explains the unusual growth pattern I was seeing on the Setosa, which is why I asked about it. That came out really good.
The SSC comparison pics are very helpful. When I first got a frag it looked like the first pic. Then my nitrates climbed to 25 and stayed there for a while. [I think because the media basket with 5 liters of matrix was full of detritus.] Now the frag looks like the second pic. The 'trates have dropped to below five now so maybe it will eventually return to the original colors.

Thanks again.
Kevin.... here is another picture of the Setosa taken today.

See how the small frags (broken from the same colony) that I glued nearby have encrusted and joined the mother colony

Best Daniel
For my records (aka memories) and to all of us to enjoy this frag. I will keep it updating.

July 2014 picture. This SSC colony grew and then RTN after a nutrient issue around January-February 2015. I was able to glue a HALF INCH frag in a plug

November 14 2015. The very small frag survived and was relocated to a rock.

December 7 2015

January 3 2016

January 30 2016

February 28 2016

June 17 2016. By accident, during my cleaning of dead corals, I broke his small tip. On this picture tissue have already grown over the tip skeleton and frag continued encrusting

July 22 2016, some small branches have started to grow (see small tips)... Hurray !!

August 4 2016. Taken a few minutes ago.

I will continue updating this growing, so we can all can enjoy how from an encrusted section branches are starting to grow (I believe they will finish in branches).

I was looking the last 2 pictures and it is noticeable the growing in the branches from July 22 till today August 4.

Guys..... PLEASE !!! keep you all your fingers crossed and send positive waves to this survivor of 2 tanks issues with nutrients.

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Is there anyone in the forum that knows or have an idea what are the mechanisms (signaling) involved that trigger branches growing from the encrusted section of the coral ?

Interesting !!!

That is unique looking and a very rare growth pattern. Now that you explain how it got that way, it is very understandable. At first glance, it looks like terraces on a split level mountainside garden.. Or a molten Setosa lava flow.
Hi Folks..... I am feeling every day better and better after my knee surgery and as you can see I have time to spare in my tank taking pictures and doing some postings.

These postings will help me in the future to evaluate the tank evolution. Good that I have some time on my hands these days.

Short video of tank and refugium



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