Hey Dan, it's crazy how packed and mature your tank still looks considering how many corals you removed.
It's looking really good now.
It's amazing how little nuisance algae you have with nutrients so high. Just goes to show you that there is more at play when it comes to micro and macro algae than nutrients.
Curious to see how much np pro will be required to bring nutrients down..
Will you try adding anything new, now, or will you wait until nutrients drop back down to add coral?
Hope the knee continues to get better.
My wife is always saying that I have too many corals and that was my main mistake. Do you remember I promise not to replace dead corals. Well, I have not broken that ................................... yet.
Yes, I do not have algae at all over the rocks, but still Phosp. are high. Yesterday they were at 0.1-0.25 ppm. The color kit scale was tricky, looks like it was in the middle of both colors (Salifert). I persist, is a good sign that Phos is going down. Before it was a constant 0.25 ppm, no doubt with the color ...grrrr.
I am still adding the NP Pro (now 3/4 of the dose for my 100 G total volume ). I am using the diluted version with dosing pump. Tomorrow will increase to full dose. I am also adding Pro Bio S ( 4 drops). Both every day.
I am not adding anything else and I do not envision doing it. I was thinking to move to AF 1/2/3 but decided to stick with my B-Ionic , now that I have seen corals are improving.
I need to get those nutrients down !!!!! but in a way that I can manage. So I still bet on my fuge, Matrix/Siporax and now the AF NPPro and Pro Bio S. I have my mom (82 years old) helping me. When I am not at home she has to add the 4 drops. I have a calendar hanging and she (and I do it too) have to cross a line on the day as soon as we add the drops.
The knee is going better and better. I am walking without crouches now. Next week I will start physical therapy. I will be returning officially to work end of next week. And I can NOT flight for at least 2 months. That is end of September. So till that moment I will be able to enjoy, and take care of the tank, every evening :bounce3::bounce3:
Ps: Matt I have not cleaned the glass of the fuge in almost 2 weeks. At least since before the knee surgery. And still phosp are high.