Dansreeftank do over..

Hey buddy, glad you managed to sort out the stand and remove the front centre support. Looks so much better. You will love the unhindered access into the sump area now. :thumbsup:
thanks my friend..ya I can actually sit in there..we also made it so much more stronger than how they made it..i am almost done stripping it will probably paint tomorrow. ..i am enjoying this build..
thats an amazing tank looks great, i sure wish I would have gone bigger when i did my build. Please keep the updates rolling and Congrats.


a little update still finishing the stand and rock work what do you think..any input or comments welcome..
Your tank is going to be spectacular can't wait to see your selection of fish and Sps.
thank you I appreciate your comments. .ya this time around I will be selective of what goes in the tank...

Made some progress with aquascape and stand just need to finish the doors and the wiring then collect more goodies..

Looks awesome so far love that scape..only suggestion I would makeis that plastic in the bottom might be hard to clean with it being textured like that. I had piece of glass cut to fit inside the bottom and painted the underside white and siliconed it in like you were talking about doing its super easy to clean just run my mag float across it every few days and I always have a nice bright white bottom...just a thought
Looks awesome so far love that scape..only suggestion I would makeis that plastic in the bottom might be hard to clean with it being textured like that. I had piece of glass cut to fit inside the bottom and painted the underside white and siliconed it in like you were talking about doing its super easy to clean just run my mag float across it every few days and I always have a nice bright white bottom...just a thought
thank you for your kind words and suggestion..I was thinking of just letting the bottom naturally get taking over by coraline algae so hopefully it would look more natural than the plastic that I have on there..and hopefully the cuc will take care of the unwanted algae..so do you also have bare bottom would love to see some pics..
I am really In love with the way your tank and rock selection is comming along. I really can't wait to see it fully set up.

Thanks my friend me too but trying to be patient still got lots of work to do and more equipment to get and save money for..and i got some projects i am working on might look cool or cheesy depends if it comes out ok ..:D
Well that is one of the best rockworks i've ever seen cugly!:inlove:
Mayyyyybe i'd take out that sinlgle rock on the right to make the part that hangs on the air,more viewable but if you like it...i do too buddy:thumbsup:

Can't wait for it's progress!
Yes I do run barebottom I wanted a nice clean white bottom without sand blowing around or the maintenance if your intrested I can send pics if you pm me your number I never set up a photobucket I think youd be really happy with the way it looks
Well that is one of the best rockworks i've ever seen cugly!:inlove:
Mayyyyybe i'd take out that sinlgle rock on the right to make the part that hangs on the air,more viewable but if you like it...i do too buddy:thumbsup:

Can't wait for it's progress!
thanks buddy I appreciate the comments. .ya I like the structure of that single rock but I haven't decided yet the final placement maybe in the display fuge not to sure every chance I get I m9ve it around and see if I like it..I am also glad you like the rock work trying to figure out how to place it and make it look somewhat natural Is harder thank I thought the wife is happy with the rocks so it will probably stay the it is just need to figure out that single one..

Yes I do run barebottom I wanted a nice clean white bottom without sand blowing around or the maintenance if your intrested I can send pics if you pm me your number I never set up a photobucket I think youd be really happy with the way it looks
thank you for your respond how di it look when it got covered with coralline algae text me pics of it with stuff on it want to see I pm you..thank you..

got the frame done for my fans ran out of acrylic will need to finish the cover and mount...soon as I get an apex will start doing the wiring and also finish building a new sump..on light duty right now doctor told me to take an easy..I want to finish plumbing and fill it up but I will be patient..I am still hunting for the rails of my doors. I am also thinking of using an elos planet 2 dual 250w halides with 4 t5 ..and if I can come up with the money for a vertex alpha 200 then I will get it ..still need to get a geo crx and ap regulator lots of equipment needed still..

Here's the fish list that I am thinking of

10 anthias not sure which ones yet maybe a variety
A pair of ruby red dragonet
A blueface angelfish
A black tang this might take a while for me to get
A pair borbonious anthias this might be part of the 10

The corals will be a selected few
A few stags
Some aussie tables
And some reefraft acro that's waiting to go in the tank

Lps whatever catches my eye
zoas would be just a selected few that would pop in the tank..
And that is what I am thinking of so far for stocking list
I really like the aquascape. Very well thought out. Looking forward to see it will out with corals.
thank you for your kind words..I want to try to place corals in a way that it highlights the rock work my wife is the one that is with the artistic side she is the one that did the drawing of my tattoo of my kids on my shoulder so I hired her to help me decorate the tank and got her input on the color scheme of this build..I hope will turn out great and its awesome that she is starting to love doing the hobby with me I actually have a nano for her she said she wanted one..