Sounds good!
Love the pair of rubys and borbonious,great choices![]()
Thank you hope the ruby's wont just disappear on me ..
Sounds good!
Love the pair of rubys and borbonious,great choices![]()
Thank you out all the bmw I had this is for sure one my favoriteThe front end on that M looks mean =).. Nice progress the former tank was definitely a looker..
thank you its just a short vacation its in July so I am just working on some other things to finish the stand and sump the doors is gonna take me atleast a few weeks to custom build I am having my wife do the artwork for the doors I am not sure yet of the designs just trying to brainstorm something with my wife..and then I would have to transfer the artwork on the door all freehand and that's what is gonna take time if I decide to go that route I just finished installing the hardware on the doori just need to paint the frame for the hardware I am trying to figure out also if I have enough space for a belt driven track to make the doors automatic will see.I am looking forward to seeing this progress upon your return - have lots of fun and enjoyment on your vacation.
thank you I appreciate your kind is what you make of it live it up regardless what you have ..The tank looks great so far!
I admire your ability to keep things in perspective - unfortunately, usually the most pertinent reminders of how quickly things can change come at times of loss - during the good times it is important to take a step back and truly enjoy it for what its worth. :thumbsup:
Thank you or following. .Nice build following along
Very nice!
The stand is coming along superb and that sump is a beautiful piece of work.
thanks guys ...I got plenty of plans not sure if I can get it done or which one I will be able to do..I am just making things or doing things as I go..I am planning on building an acrylic stand to house the computer or tablet and the apex controller and also need to build an enclosure for the outlets and eb8..+1
Stand looks great!
what's next on your plans?
thank you sir....that was suppose to be my car but it ended up being my wife's car lol its ok it gave me a hall pass to do as I please with the tank without questions. ..and I still get to track the car once my neck feels better..Love that stand cugly! Will look very smexy with that sweet sump sitting inside of it!! The cars not bad either buddy![]()
Thanks buddy I tried to make everything to look good I am not rushing this time around enjoying every minute of this have nothing to be jealous of you got a nice set up yourself specially your lights I am still trying to save some money for them lights. .That stand is looking seriously professional.. Nice touch with the sliding doors.. It's a rare event when someone showcases the equipment side of things other than at shows.. A little jealous over here lol j/k.. Great work
I thought so too it was a fair trade I still get drive the car anyways and I drive the 3 series f30 anyway so its all I drive these cars all day at work..I feel you on loosing your car but atleast its for a better cause...thanks again ScottNew car or hall pass with the tank...hmmm... Hall pass sounds pretty good to methe new car novelty wears off after a while mate
but don't get me wrong I'm a rev head myself I sold my pride and joy to fund my tank! Something I regret everyday coz I miss it like crazy but I love my Reefing more :lol:
Thanks my friend ya I will take a hall pass anyday lol..I love the car great mpg great handling and lots of power..can't wait to track it...You speak for/represent many of us scott buddy with these words:thumbsup::dance::lol::lol::beer:
Great car btw cugly:thumbsup: