Dawn's seahorse garden!

I kept a pair pearly jaws for a while, until one jumped out of the tank. Mine found a tiny hole and get out, and I don't know how it got out, but it did. The other one lived for about a year longer. I had plenty of sand and rubble, but it seemed like mine never stayed in one hole long. And, they just dug under the coral most of the time, rarely making their own hole, as I had hoped.

After that, I tried a single dusky jawfish, and it was a great fish. It stayed in the same hole almost its entire life. It lived over 3 years. It constantly found rubble to line its burrow and decorate the top. I only wish that I had more than one so I could watch their antics together. Maybe I'll do a species tank one day. Bluespots appeal to me too, but they are more of a coldwater species, I think (or room temperature maybe).

I'm not saying that pearly jawfish wouldn't work, just that my luck wasn't as good. When we visited Myrtle Beach, we saw two in the reef tank at the Ripley's aquarium and they both had nice burrows out in the middle of the sand bed lined with rubble. So, my guess is that with the right conditions, they'd be entertaining. They certainly are a beautiful fish!

Your tank still looks fantastic! Glad the blennies are doing well!
Kevin, are the pearly jawfish and the yellowhead jawfish the same specie? I was planning on the yellowhead because KPAquatics has them and I wanted macro algae and ricordia from them too.
I had to remove the ponies last week from the 56 gallon because of skin infections. They are in a HT being treated with Triple sulfa and doing well.

I am going to put them in my original seahorses tank a 30 gallon XH and hook it up to the sump. The 56 gallon tank will house all the blennies and the 2 tanks will be side by side. More details to come.
Kevin, are the pearly jawfish and the yellowhead jawfish the same specie? I was planning on the yellowhead because KPAquatics has them and I wanted macro algae and ricordia from them too.

Yep, same species. Sorry to hear about the ponies getting sick. Hope they heal up quick for you.
I hope it goes well. Good luck!

Actually only Samson and Delilah had infection but I figured that I had better remove Eve as well or she could be next. They are eating heartily and I have had excellant results with Triple sulfa in the past, so I feel very optimistic about them making full recoveries.
Yep, same species. Sorry to hear about the ponies getting sick. Hope they heal up quick for you.

Thanks Kevin for the info on the jawfish. I will definitely keep a dusky jawfish in mind.

Yeah, sick ponies is never fun or convenient but seahorses are very treatable, especially when it is caught early. I feel hopeful that they all will make a complete recovery.
Yesterday was spent getting the 30 gallon XH ready for the seahorses when they come out of HT. I painted the bottom glass so the tank can be bb. I oringinally had the back painted black but I removed that and painted it to match the 56 gallon, (minus the seahorse). The 30 gallon tank has oak colored trim and stand so I painted part of the stand to match the 56 gallon tank. It will not be a duplicate but it should at least look tied in decor' wise. I am also cycling a new rock/coral structure that I want in the 30 gallon seahorse tank. It will be primarily a macro algae display with only a few hardy coral that I don't want in the 56 gallon blenny display tank.
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This is an exciting development! Setting up another tank gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. Have fun with it!
This is an exciting development! Setting up another tank gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. Have fun with it!

I am excited Michael. l can't do anything with a fake wall yet because I need both tanks as soon as the ponies come out of HT. Still it's fun to have the blennies and ponies without compromising either of their needs.

Tonight I did get both tanks in place. The 56g is now an AIO. The 30g has been hooked up to the sump. The rock formation I made for the seahorses is in the tank cycling. I am expecting it to be fast because it is connected to an established sump.
I was thinking the same thing, lots of options for you! I like the way that you painted the background of the 56g. I predict that your new build should look fantastic also. Your 'scaping skills are very good as well..
Both tanks together by Dawn Gilson, on Flickr
I put the tanks side by side in the livingroom. I used to have a 90 gallon there so I knew there was plenty of space. Both tanks need new bulbs so they should match pretty well, except that one has black trim and one has oak.:wildone: Uhhg! Mostly I really like it .
I love the new tank(s) set up!

You are the person that will be watching and enjoying these tanks. If you like them, then that is all you need. There was a guy on here, PaulB, that had bottles, chains and other stuff in his tank, because when he dove, that is what he saw on some of the reefs. Some people like that, some don't. I think that was a great idea. The aquascaping in your new pony tank looks great, and the seahorse statue is part of that. It's visually appealing, and at the same time, honoring their genera ;)
I love the new tank(s) set up!

You are the person that will be watching and enjoying these tanks. If you like them, then that is all you need. There was a guy on here, PaulB, that had bottles, chains and other stuff in his tank, because when he dove, that is what he saw on some of the reefs. Some people like that, some don't. I think that was a great idea. The aquascaping in your new pony tank looks great, and the seahorse statue is part of that. It's visually appealing, and at the same time, honoring their genera ;)

Thanks Kevin. I have seen Paul B's tank with the bottles, spawning mandarins and blue striped pipefish. I liked his tank decor.

I guess you are right about designing the scape to refect your own tastes. The problem for me is that I am conflicted, haha? Do I satisfy the part of me that strives for as natural and realistic as possible? Or because the tank is already lacking realism since it has a bb, do I go for cute and 'honoring their genera'? For now its going to be the latter since you and Michael both approve, JK! I do like it so I am keeping it for that reason. Later on if I change my mind I can switch it out for rock/coral.
Nov 1st 2018 by Dawn Gilson, on Flickr
I needed to have less objects on the floor of the aquarium to easily syphon up detritus and seahorse poop. For that reason I moved the seahorse statue up on the rock along with the caulerpa bush and to my surprise, I liked it better that way.
It is so nice not needing to dismantle the tank to clean it for the seahorses. Samson has now joined Eve in the seahorse garden while Delilah is still in treatment. I actually think the ponies like this tank better.

Unique view! by Dawn Gilson, on Flickr
How is this for a view? Eve looks a little sea serpentish!

Samson and Eve are in the tank but Samson is hanging out in the back. by Dawn Gilson, on Flickr
Samson is in the tank too but he is chillin' in the back. I changed the lights to some old leds and a par 38 bulb. The shimmer is very pleasing and the color is better.
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Looks great and great pics!

Is that codium on top? If so, how long have you had it? I've heard it prefers cooler temps, which I imagine you maintain for the horses. Any advice for any would-be codium-keepers?

I tried it once without success. My tank was pretty warm - around 82 degrees.
Looks great and great pics!

Is that codium on top? If so, how long have you had it? I've heard it prefers cooler temps, which I imagine you maintain for the horses. Any advice for any would-be codium-keepers?

I tried it once without success. My tank was pretty warm - around 82 degrees.
That is codium. I did not know about cooler temperatures but I can grow it well. My temperature is always under 75 and usually closer to 70°. It likes light and I have had them under T5s until this new seahorse tank.