Dawn's seahorse garden!

Starry blennies get quite big, and the midas gets pretty large also. Starry blennies get to be about 5" long or more. Midas about 4" or so. I think that the midas blennies are less aggressive. Starry blennies can get mean, and they also are omnivores (although most reefers think that they only eat algae). That is important to know, in your case, because they can and will eat small fish or shrimp.
Starry blennies get quite big, and the midas gets pretty large also. Starry blennies get to be about 5" long or more. Midas about 4" or so. I think that the midas blennies are less aggressive. Starry blennies can get mean, and they also are omnivores (although most reefers think that they only eat algae). That is important to know, in your case, because they can and will eat small fish or shrimp.
Whoa, thank you for the info. A starry blenny is definitely out if thats how they can be. I had a midas blenny that was awesome. I loved him. He was like a benevolent king who ruled his kingdom kindly. Thats why I thought a big midas blenny might work.
Good luck with the fish hunt, Dawn! You're going to have quite the community! When does the new macro arrive?
Good luck with the fish hunt, Dawn! You're going to have quite the community! When does the new macro arrive?
Thanks Michael. Yes, I love pedators but this gentle fish tank has been really nice. Aquariums can be so serene, except when your fish are killing or eating each other. Its wonderful not having to try and stop bullying.

My macros arrived this afternoon. I only had time to temperature acclimate them and then drop them in the tank before I had to run. Now the lights are too low for a pic but I am very pleased. I got 3 shaving brushes, a mermaid fan, a lg halimeda, some ulva and a red macro. I also got 4 emerald crabs and 1 is red, a multitude of nassarius snails, and a pom pom crab.
Agreed. Serenity please! That's very important, both for the fish and me.

It sounds like you hit the jackpot with your macro/critter order! Enjoy! And of course, when you're ready, pics please!
Hey Dawn! My wife and I are in the art biz and we just sent off a design that reminded me of you. It will be printed on a pillow.

Hey Dawn! My wife and I are in the art biz and we just sent off a design that reminded me of you. It will be printed on a pillow.

O my goodness, that is just too cute!

And look what I found in with the ghost shrimp/macro order.

Baby seahorse came with my order. by Dawn Gilson, on Flickr

She has probably been without food for at least 4 days so her chances are dismal. Still I am picking up copepods and starting bbs hatchery to give her a fighting chance.
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Wow Dawn, that's awesome. Yes, she has a fighting chance with you there to save her!

Very cool artwork Michael. That's gonna be a really cool pillow!
As look more closely at this tiny pony, I think she may be a dwarf seahorse. Her little snout is so short and stubby and not like an erectus at all.

I bought her tigger pods last night and set up a bbs hatchery. Unfortunately we lost power in the night. I have a power inverter which I bought for just an occasion but it could not make the house warmer. The thermostat read 62°F when I looked at it after the power came on. It was off about 12 hours which is longer than it ever has been in the 31 yrs we have lived here. I am guessing this hatch will be longer as a result, plus these decapped cysts are ancient. Anyway, we will watch and see.
Thanks for posting this. We all look forward to seeing more when you're ready! I bet you're right about the dwarf seahorse. Good luck!
This is like Law of attraction at work, the seahorses just come to u!

I wished I could say that it was good fortune on her part but unfortunately our power went off the night she arrived(Thursday) and has been off until this morning(Sunday). I have a power inverter for the tanks so she is good that way but keeping bbs hatchery going with A battery light and a cool house has been slow. Also my cysts were old. I have new ones now so I will set up a 2nd hatchery and we will see what happens.
My bbs hatchery is beginning to produce bbs in a density that should be sufficient for either a baby seahorse or a dwarf. I have moved her into her own vase because I have not seen her snick the offered food and I decided that my nursery tank was designed to leak bbs shrimp out of it but that was when I had a bigger system with lots of hungry coral to consume them. I can't risk my herd to a possible bacterial problem. Its a small vase so doing WCs on it is a cinch.

I can lead a seahorse to food but I can't make her eat. That will be up to her.
She is still hanging in there although I have yet to see her eat. She is surrounded by 1000s of enriched bbs so she has all she needs. We are travelling Friday to visit our son's family south of Charlotte. She needs to eat 3Xs a day so I am not sure how that is going to work. I have offered her free to a committed saltwater enthusiast on the forum for our local club. When I shared what she needs in maintenance I probably have scared off any potential takers. Its only fair to her and them that they know what they are getting into, LOL.