Deep and dark - Elos 120XL deepwater biotope

Thanks for the compliment Mark.......that's some awesome work you did on that tank!

I like that overflow also.......I've seen those before but never got how they work. Is there an outside durso pipe to deal with air/noise? I'd like to hear more about it.
Added sand last night, excuse cloudy water :)

[/url]IMG_4368 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Wow, very nice.

Question -- that smaller tank, are those brackets Ok for the weight (non mechanical/structural engineer question :) ).

Thanks, yes each bracket is rated for 100 Ibs., screwed into studs with heavy duty screws. So it should hold 300 Ibs, this is 12 gal, so full of water with some rock and sand I estimate about 130-150 Ibs total weight. This thing isn't going anywhere :)
If this tank ends up like the last one and your little nano you'll be doing very well!

A quick question about the tube anemone in the first picture you posted: I've heard that they need to be buried in deep sand, but you obviously didn't have deep sand in that tank and it looks great. Can they live long term in shallow sand beds?
Today I was able to plumb a 40 gal. breeder refugium. My buddy made mistake and drill a hole in it for 3/4 bulkhead instead 1 in., I hope this will be fine as I only run about 100 GPH through it. So far is working fine for few hours, water level stays the same. I am not worried about anything blocking it, it will have Matrix and Siporax in there with some macro algae. Now I just have to find good light for it, either PAR 38 led bulb or some kind led strip.

[/url]IMG_4389 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_4394 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_4396 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Nothing special going on, tank is cycling right now, I was bored so I took some pictures of my aquascape , I am very pleased with it, I can already picture sun corals, dendros and gorgonians hanging from the sides of those pillars, and fish swimming around and between :)

[/url]aquascape1 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]aquascape3 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]aquascape4 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]FTS2 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Do u mind me asking what it cost you for the back panel that was replaced? I'm looking at an elos that needs a back panel. I was told it's 1/2 and ides if that's correct? Also did u use any specific type of silicone? How long did u let it dry? Was the old panel and overflow hard to remove?
If this tank ends up like the last one and your little nano you'll be doing very well!

A quick question about the tube anemone in the first picture you posted: I've heard that they need to be buried in deep sand, but you obviously didn't have deep sand in that tank and it looks great. Can they live long term in shallow sand beds?

I believe they can, this one I had lived almost a year before I had to sell it when I broke down last tank. It was doing very well in that time.
Do u mind me asking what it cost you for the back panel that was replaced? I'm looking at an elos that needs a back panel. I was told it's 1/2 and ides if that's correct? Also did u use any specific type of silicone? How long did u let it dry? Was the old panel and overflow hard to remove?

Yes, it is 1/2 thick, and if I remember correctly it cost me about $250 with polished edges and four holes drilled.Since it was back panel, I used regular glass, not low iron. To remove glass panel it wasn't that hard, but to remove the overflow was pain in the butt. Best tool was long, thin , sharp knife that I was able to slip between glass and overflow to cut through silicone. I used black Momentive RTV 100 series silicone ( adhesive). It says it cures in 24 hours, but I took my time and let it sit for 14 days before filling with water. Another week or so I left water in with powerheads on to make sure there was no leaks.
Mark - can you discuss your plans for lighting? Is the current fixture the final light or will you mount something else over the tank?
I love the tank and especially the wooden fish over the tank. Where did you get the rock? What type is the small skimmer on the nano?
This is going to be an awesome looking tank.
Thank you for posting a link to this.
I'm definitely subscribed to this thread for future updates!
Mark - can you discuss your plans for lighting? Is the current fixture the final light or will you mount something else over the tank?

This is it! This tank really needs no light, as only NPS corals and deepwater fish will be it it. But for my viewing pleasure I decided to use one PAR 38 LED bulb, which is dimmed to about 75% . I wanted to have open access to tank, so I can easily feed corals, this lighting set up allows me this without a problem. Remember, a lot of food will go in there and nutrients will be on higher side, even with over sized filtration, so having very dim light will not allow algae to take foothold in DT, I will have plenty of macro algae in my 40 gal. refugium to help with nutrients.