Deep and dark - Elos 120XL deepwater biotope

I'm more or less ignorant of NPS tanks. I do recognize the cup/sun corals on the left and the black sun corals on the rear, and I think those are Dendros, (larger orange pieces that look like big sun corals), I think I see two chili corals higher up on the rocks. But what is the white fuzzy thing in the middle?

And what is on the sand bed?

Good eyes for someone " ignorant" of NPS, that fuzzy ball in the middle is some kind of cup coral ( looks like ball with small polyps, almost translucent, very hard to take close pictures), and the coral on sand is a rescue Dendronephthya I got from my buddy's tank, I don't have high hope for it, but it was going to die in his tank anyway.
Here is closer picture of that " fuzzy thing"
[/url]cup coral by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
That's a beautiful cup coral! I've never seen anything like it! Where do you source your NPS corals, if you don't mind?
That's a beautiful cup coral! I've never seen anything like it! Where do you source your NPS corals, if you don't mind?

Thank you, I get all my livestock from LFS, I am truly lucky, within 15 miles there is 7 , and since they really compete against each other, they have high standards. Two of those really specialize in rare fish, so I can obtain almost anything I want. This particular cup coral I bought for $5 !!!
Wow! My closest LFS since moving out farther from town is about 1.25 hours/45 miles round trip! When I first got into the hobby I had one within a five to ten minute drive and one about fifteen minutes out but both have moved since then and so have I. I have to say I'm really impressed with your tank, the whole ensemble is very clean. Definitely subscribed,
With as many tentacles as each polyp has, that looks like a cold water you know what it is?

This is a very neat tank! Thank you for starting this thread and introducing me to NPS tanks.

I have no idea what coral is that, I need to do some research I guess. NPS corals are great and colorful, and I believe more people should keep them, of course if they are able to put some time and effort to care for them.
My 29gal. QT is ready, just need to put some PVC for hiding spots and cover it up. Going this weekend to my favorite LFS to pick up my fish they were holding for me for a while.

[/url]IMG_4681 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Everything is looking really amazing! Your aquascape is beautiful, love it. This thread is turning to be interesting and I am waiting see how everything will start to develop. Have you decided yet which showpiece fish you are going to get? Tinkeri's are really beautiful, but so are bandits. I have Chaetodon declivis pair in my display and one other in my sump. Love them, they are so beautiful and great. Really have personalities and I assume Tinkeri could be quite similar in behavior. You have kept nps corals before, do think they are challenging to keep? Are going to manually feed them or planning to have some kind of dosing system to handle it?

Keep up with the good work :)
Everything is looking really amazing! Your aquascape is beautiful, love it. This thread is turning to be interesting and I am waiting see how everything will start to develop. Have you decided yet which showpiece fish you are going to get? Tinkeri's are really beautiful, but so are bandits. I have Chaetodon declivis pair in my display and one other in my sump. Love them, they are so beautiful and great. Really have personalities and I assume Tinkeri could be quite similar in behavior. You have kept nps corals before, do think they are challenging to keep? Are going to manually feed them or planning to have some kind of dosing system to handle it?

Keep up with the good work :)

Thank you ! As far as Bandits vs Tinkeri I have not decided yet, once I do, it will be the last fish added to tank.I am really concerned with possibility of them eating my corals, so I am also looking at pair of Genicanthus angels instead, like Watanabei or Masked Japanese swallowtail. First I want to stock it with some Anthias to be more precise I have trio of Sunburst coming this weekend ( they were in my LFS tank together for more than 3 months), and then I will be looking for few Ventralis anthias. If they acclimate well and are in my tank few weeks then I will put my "show fish" in. Some NPS corals are more challenging then others of course, But I really like LPS NPS like suns and dendros and easier gorgonians. I feed them manually right now, and this works for me. Once my tank stabilize more, I might introduce more demanding soft NPS and then would have to set up some kind of automatic, continues feeding system. At this moment, with my young system I just don't want to overload it too soon, I am hoping to have it fully stocked within a year.
My declivis pair haven't shown any interest to bigger fan worms (sabellastarte), soft corals, fungia or gorgonians. I have one gorgonia with harder skeleton and that they have been picking from time to time. From this experience they have been safe. I am planning to add tridacna clams and more gorgonias in the future, so we will how they feel about those. Tinkeri and Declivis do belong to the same genus, but even that does not give us certainty how a pair of tinkeri would behave on your tank. Genicanthus bellus is also gorgeous species, which could look great in that environment :)
Genicanthus angels are beautiful, but tinkeri is an absolute showstopper. That's not even a choice in my mind, but then again it's not my tank. 😊

Besides there's one in Divers Den right now WINK WINK as well as a bandit angel.
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