Deep and dark - Elos 120XL deepwater biotope

I love the tank and especially the wooden fish over the tank. Where did you get the rock? What type is the small skimmer on the nano?
Haha, I stole the wooden fish from my wife's kitchen, it is actually a cheese tray!
For aquascape I used Florida dry rock that I got from my LFS. The owner goes to Florida every month just for the rock. I love how I could pick those two large pieces.
Skimmer on my nano is Macro Aqua M-50, it does great job as you can see from a picture, it took couple of weeks to break down and stop blowing micro bubbles, but it is all fine now.

One week worth of skimmate
[/url]IMG_4461 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
This is it! This tank really needs no light, as only NPS corals and deepwater fish will be it it. But for my viewing pleasure I decided to use one PAR 38 LED bulb, which is dimmed to about 75% . I wanted to have open access to tank, so I can easily feed corals, this lighting set up allows me this without a problem. Remember, a lot of food will go in there and nutrients will be on higher side, even with over sized filtration, so having very dim light will not allow algae to take foothold in DT, I will have plenty of macro algae in my 40 gal. refugium to help with nutrients.

That is what I thought. I love it. It looks awesome and I can imagine how great it is in person as you chill out in your man cave. This really has me rethinking my next tank build. Looking forward to seeing some livestock in that bad boy.
Refugium is ready, I have 4 in. deep sand bed with some rock and macro algae. For light I got LED Zetlight 36 in. fixture for plants. This thing is bright!!! I hope to grow algae without problem. Jebao RW4 for circulation on lowest speed. I run about 150 GPH through my refugium. This week I will finally set up my QT tank, as I have some fish coming after Easter.

Zetlight LED

[/url]IMG_4477 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_4478 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]IMG_4493 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_4484 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_4491 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
View of my man cave :)
Nano on wall will stay for now and will be used as QT for all new corals and inverts, I don't want to take any chance to bring parasites in my DT.

[/url]mancave1 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Yes, my corals from nano are in DT, everything is doing great. Will post FTS soon as I glue corals in their permanent places :)
For now making the "soup" , about 1/4 tsp. of each product mixed with a coup of saltwater. Let it stand for 10-15 min. and then spot feed directly , for now I use 15 ml. every day in addition to more meaty foods for suns and dendros every other day.
[/url]IMG_4537 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_4541 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
I'm more or less ignorant of NPS tanks. I do recognize the cup/sun corals on the left and the black sun corals on the rear, and I think those are Dendros, (larger orange pieces that look like big sun corals), I think I see two chili corals higher up on the rocks. But what is the white fuzzy thing in the middle?

And what is on the sand bed?