Deep and dark - Elos 120XL deepwater biotope

I agree tinkers or bandits are more of showstoppers, I like them a lot too, but like my corals more :), I am pretty sure that I will risk it anyway and see what happens. I am lucky to have great LFS near, that has both tinkers and bandits, and don't have to order online anymore, even that DD is great.
One week in qt, going strong so far. They were tougher for over 2 months in LFS, I hope they stay without fighting.

[/url]sunburst anthias trio by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Right now just observing, I don't want to treat if I don't have to, they are eating well but not aggressively. I plan 4 weeks, if I see any symptoms of parasites, then will medicate. They will be first fish to go in DT. Next batch will be Ventralis anthias, my LFS just received 50 of those beauties, I will pick out 5 :)
Don't forget to give us pictures when you choose your ventralis. 😀 I think a FTS is in order too...

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Right now just observing, I don't want to treat if I don't have to, they are eating well but not aggressively. I plan 4 weeks, if I see any symptoms of parasites, then will medicate. They will be first fish to go in DT. Next batch will be Ventralis anthias, my LFS just received 50 of those beauties, I will pick out 5 :)

I thunk I've only seen 5 Ventralis anthias in my life....let alone 50!
Cant wait to see them in your tank!