Deep Down Florida 600 Gallon In-Wall Build

So I wasn't completely happy with the way my aquascape turned out so I decided to make a change. I will be starting soon on slowly exchanging my rock.
For now I have all shapes and sizes ready to go.
Check it out.

Also acquired a 1000g water storage tank.
Thank you to everyone who PMd me.
I will keep you posted on the progress of my auto water change setup as well as my new rock work.
No offense taken I was trying to do with what I had at the time.
I have plenty of large rocks shelf rocks medium rocks rocks of all shapes and sizes.
I plan to set it up in my garage first until I have the shape and patterns that I am satisfied with.
No offense taken I was trying to do with what I had at the time.
I have plenty of large rocks shelf rocks medium rocks rocks of all shapes and sizes.
I plan to set it up in my garage first until I have the shape and patterns that I am satisfied with.

Thank you!!:hammer:

Let me know if you need help. Im busy, but ill ask my buddies to help you. :lol:
So I began the process of working on my Aquascape.
Didn't realize how hard of a job it would be when you actually have to sit down and think about what you're doing. I couldn't even reach the bottom so I had to snorkel in order to see what I was doing.
Not quite done yet but it's coming along.



Hopefully this weekend. I am finding myself constantly looking at the rock trying to get the perfect shaping.
Have you thought of drilling the rock and using rods? PVC also works well.. You can figure out how it's going to look out of tank and just assemble in tank.. Just food for thought. There are plenty of ideas if you google reef scaping.