Dive pics from the Carib


Hi folks...I don't post much on this forum but here are some fairly recent dive pics, my first using an UW camera. These were shot with a Canon S90 and Ike housing...I'm happy...and hooked!

We spent 7 days on a cruise and visited Cozumel, Costa Maya, and Roatan (Belize was canceled due to weather...bummer...). I was impressed with the quality of the dives given it was a cruise arranged op...all were top notch.

Roatan was my favorite dive of the trip. The dive op, Anthony's Key Resort, was top notch...I hope to visit them again. Coz was also awesome - but aren't they always! Costa Maya was recently devastated with a hurricane and the reef showed a lot of damage. Interesting was the growth of the encrusting montipora coral - it was covering many of the large rock formations which, from my experience, was unusual - my guess is the storm wiped out a lot of corals and thus competition.

Imaging The Cosmos - Dive Pics
Great pics. What camera are you using for your dive pics? I had a Canon G9 when I went diving, but it only shoots JPG, so they all look like crap. Any advice on underwater photography?
Thx all...It's an Canon S90 with Ikelite housing. I also used an Inon Wide Angle Lens and Inon Strobe....I'll post a pic of my setup later. Shooting Raw is perhaps my biggest tool, but ya got to get close and use a strobe.
Great pics. What camera are you using for your dive pics? I had a Canon G9 when I went diving, but it only shoots JPG, so they all look like crap. Any advice on underwater photography?

A Canon G9 will shoot in RAW, just btw.
Wow, nice images. I have an S90 too so I am curious to see pics and hear more about your setup.
Good job with the pics. Nice exposures. Try to avoid center composition.

The G9 should have easily outperformed the S90, imho. Something wasn't right there.

I dove Cozumel on my last honeymoon. Thanks for reminding me of that beauty.
my apologies - I just checked my metadata, and it was the canon powershot SD550... i was borrowing from a friend - i think he maybe mentioned that he was using the G9. To be honest, I'm a Nikon guy, so all these Canon model numbers confuse me.
Good job with the pics. Nice exposures. Try to avoid center composition.

Thx for the comments...point well taken on my composition, being on a large group dive did't help! I am considering a live aboard dive trip later this year, and there will be a specific focus on uw photography so perhaps I can sharpen my skills there.
I was thinking the same thing...Shoulda whacked it! :-P

I'm not that familiar with the G9 specs but doubt it performs that much better than the S90. The sensor size is the same and both shoot raw. There are some complaints about the housing controls, and cannot argue that point. The S90 is a pretty solid P&S...and the price is right. I am considering a housing for my 7d and the sticker price is shocking! The plan is to use the S90 for Marco work and the 7d for everything else.
Here is a pic of my S90/Ike setup....
Thanks for posting the pics, I can't wait to get u/w.
I was looking at the u/w housings for the S90 and the Canon housing looks smaller than the Ike housing. What made you choose the Ike housing?
I'm researching the housing right now, but I have to wait to buy the strobes.