Wow so many ideas and so many advances in these LED's!!! My current setup is dual 250W HQI with dual overdriven T5's and man the heat is just killer! its great right now in the winter keeps the house warm!!! haha, but its just too much heat.
Current tank is 36X30X18, future tank is going to be 48X30X20...... My thoughts were to go 36LED'sX2 on heatsinks, but now i see you guys using the U Channels so now im thinking of maybe just doing that.... I'd really like to use the same type of LED's but I do see that you guys use less XPG LED's and more Blues but i would probably end up dimming the whites down to get the color i want....
If i order a kit say from Rapid will it be enough to maintain my SPS happy? I will probably start by ordering 1 kit first once that is up and i replace one MH then move on to the second one. I just want to make sure before i pull tha trigger that i am not mistaken on 36LED's per side will be enough. Ofcourse then tehre is teh optics, since both tanks will be in the shallowish area will 60* be fine?
For water protection i plan on having an Acrylic enclosure made for it, open at the top for airflow for the fans. The acrylic enclosure will be bolted on the heatsink to keep splash out. My idea is there i just need a little reassuring, I really appreciate all the hard work you guys have put into this!!