DIY LEDs with Radion Pro G2 pucks?

correct they are not of the reasons I modified my g2 boards to Pro's by adding the led's.

does anyone know why my modified boards wont show up as pro's when I install them into my radions???

Am I missing something
Any suggestions on getting my radions to recognize the extra channel (violet) on my G2 boards, that I DIY upgraded to Pro by adding the violets myself?

Any help would be greatly apprecited.

Otherwise I need to find a home for two Radion G2 Lights.......

Any suggestions on getting my radions to recognize the extra channel (violet) on my G2 boards, that I DIY upgraded to Pro by adding the violets myself?

Any help would be greatly apprecited.

Otherwise I need to find a home for two Radion G2 Lights.......


May have been asked b4 but are you sure all diodes are attached correctly?
Can you drive the violets w/ a stand alone driver/ps?

W/out knowing what it is "looking for" exactly it is a tough find..
the added violets work. I was going to use these in a DIY build so I already have all the electonics to drive them outside the actual I checked to make sure the violets worked prior to installing into the radions.

i also did all the reseting of the lights and even called Radion and they also ran through a reset of the lights......but still only recognise them as G2s

not sure if there is something on the boards that is different between the G2's and Pros...maybe different resistors, etc.......

Also still wondering if its as simple as not resetting them correctly...
Regarding pics of the altered pucks, I simply added the yellow led and the four violet LED's and removed the resistor right next to the yellow LED (this is there because the yellow LED is on the red channel so the resistor is there in place of the missing yellow on the G2 boards.....
to test the LED boards, i used my 02surplus driver board with a bluefish mini, and external power supply.

All channels work perfectly including the added Violets. (which are the exact same LED's that are included on the PRO)

I kind og got screwed....after I decided i wasnt going to do the DIY i purchased two radion G2's thinking I was just going to upgade them myself using the boards I DIY'd and now so far I cant upgrade them with my boards, so now Im stuck with two G2 radions when I wanted Pro's........ugh
Here is a pic of the test I ran to make sure the Violet channel was working properly. Again, the LED boards are connected directly to the O2surplus driver board with a bluefish mini controller and an external power supply.


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hi Oreo,
Thanks for your reply.....yeah I am really familiar with that thread. I read through that whole thread in prep for the DIY I was going to do.

There is some discussion on there about the pin out on the radion LED boards, but nothing definitive.....only speculation.....

regarding the Resistor I removed, it is only to allow the Yellow center LED to illuminate. Since the Yellow is on the same channel as the red LED's with the G2 not having the yellow in place, without the resistor (0 ohm) the circuit is broke and the reds will not power up. When the yellow is in place, the resistor needs to be removed......but again its only for the yellow led.

By the way, my yellow LED works when mounted in the Radion. I just cannot get the control to show up for my violet channel.

I have actually given up and purchased G3 Pros. I bought one off of ebay, and another new one on blackfriday for 519.00 which is pretty reasonable for the G3Pro.

I guess since I could not figure out how to get my DIY upgraded boards to work in my G2 lights, I will swap out to the original G2 boards and sell them as thier original configuration (G2).
diy board in radion

diy board in radion

so jst revisiting this.

G2 boards DIY'd to G2Pro but Radion will not recognize the Violet channel.

I have checked and confirmed using external drivers and controller that all hannels work, but I cannot get my radion G2 to recognize the violet channel...

I cant figure out why?? Is it some kind of circuit ID on the board, or other reason.???
hello all. I'm looking for a full parts list from anyone who has used there G1 pucks. I have 4 pucks. I would love to have as many options as possible ( dim ECT with channels) any help would be greatly appreciated I'm open to all options an all feed back. thanks in advance
Are the pucks still available? I need 3 sets as my gen2 xr30s need replacements.

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