I would love to know more about your aerobic carbon reactor.
What type of bacteria are you growing?
What carbon do you feed it?
How much of these 3 salts are you using?
How does the reactor affect your water (pH, Alkalinity...etc)
Do you get a lot of precipitates? (Mg, Ca...)
We are using the same bacteria that are found in other forms of carbon dosing (Ethanol/vinegar/sugar..etc). It is Heterotrophic and probably gram negative (pseudomonas sp). It will only grab the Nitrate for energy when the Oxygen is low. IME it only starts using the Sr(NO3)2 when other forms of nitrate are low.
Strontium nitrate Sr(NO3)2 will definitely feed your reactor but also will react with the Mg in your solution. I'm not sure it will form proper SrP (P=orthophosphate) and precipitate out. You should probably post in the chemistry forum.
No specific kind of bacteria. Whatever bactreial type that dominates in your typical carbon dosing regimen. I have dosed MB7 and Vitalilty, so I would expect them to be the common nitrifying bacteria.
I feed the reactor 0.9ML/hr. of vinegar. I use a dosing pump that runs 33 secs per hour (at 1.8ML/minute).
Currently I am dosing 10ML daily of a solution comprised of 1 tbs of each of the 3 nitrate salts (Mg,K,Ca) dissolved in 800ML of RODI. I have also started to dose about 1ML of Iron each day as I believe that it has become limiting to the bacerial growth. When I first started using the reactor 1 month ago, I was dosing 20ML of the same solution and getting much higher growth than I am currently. However my phosphates are now lower. All nuisance algae has disappeared from my DT.
I don't notice any affect on alkalinity. It appears to lower the PH slightly on average (around 0.05).
I have not witnessed any precipitation using the nitrate salts. However I don't currently automatically dose Ca (or Mg or K) outside of the nitrate versions. My Calcium was always high, so only Alk was needed. My latest test for Ca showed it at 425, so I have started to manually bolus dose it just to make sure it does not drop too low.
The reactor is a modified Zeovit reactor, altered to spin vigourously in an alternating fashion every 3 hours. I am using the zeolites in the reactor, but do not expect them to be adding much to the effectiveness, other than as a physical obstruction to unimpeded flow, and to slow the flow down to allow a grater contact time. The bacterial mulm is readily visible growing on the bottom of the inner cyclinder and looks a lot like your photos (only more compact). As setup currently, the reactor sits in my fuge, which feeds into the DT, and all the water entering the fuge, enters through the reactor. I dose into the feed line for the reactor to try to get the bacteria to grow mainly in the reactor (which it does).
If the Sr(NO3)2 could be used, I would discontinue the other nitrate sources and strictly use the strontium version. My objective is a little different than your application, I am looking to lower PO4 using the bacterial growth as well as being a food source for corals. To that end, my fuge (which contains the output of the reactor) drains into the DT.
You can see it in the following thread (