Yes. That is exactly what I have done. We use a methanol mix at 50% or 25% dilution(diluted with RO water) instead of Nitragone and a 1lb. to 3 gallons RO mix of anhydrous strontium nitrate to substitute Phosphagone. Read back through and you can put the pieces together.So I gotta a question. I already ordered the natureef system.. and found this thread later... After I get the system up and going can I switch to Methanol? Is it that simple? This way I do not keep using the natureef product?
I kind of been back and forth reading this thread so I may have missed this but are your using the Phosphagone product still? Or is there a alternative. I used seaklear awhile back to remove phos and that method was really not that hard.. But I would rather get a system where you set and forget it..
Got my starter culture from Dave yesterday. Thanks again Dave! I've got a thick layer of scum on the surface of the tank. I though I remembered that the flow was not supposed top agitate the surface. Is that film fine or should I increase the flow?
I am hoping to start my own denitrator soon. I wanted to know, does the strontium get dosed to the same water as the methanol? Done at the same time?
Koralia 1400. Glass cover that covers 80% of the tank, so not air tight. So is surface agitation ok as long as air bubbles are not being pulled in? Or should the surface be still? I'll take a pic when I get home from work tonight.
Thanks. Yeah 40 breeder. A little bigger than desired, but I already had it and an overflow installed, so I figured I'd try it before buying something else. I'll add some more flow. Since its a little big, should I shoot for two cycles a day, or still three?
Why a "great" skimmer? Because the chamber is too big and will dump extra bacteria to be skimmed out?