Team RC
DHslop Are the cross braces 2 x 6's ? Since you tank will be enclosed behind the wall unit you could put a 2 x 6 diagonally on both sides.
Hey everyone, im looking to upgrade and the plan is to have a 75 display with 40B sump. I just got the 40 from petco in their 1$ a gallon sale and not im thinking about building a stand using the guide up here. My question is does anyone have a 75 with a 40 in the stand and what dimensions did you use? Also does anyone have a stand with a lip in front of the tank with the tank not going all the way to the edge? I was wondering how this would look. Thanks
I can't believe I read all 114 pages of this thread!!
But glad I did, as I have learned quite a bit from everyone here.....a special thanks to Rocketengineer for starting it!
Ok, now I'll be off to start my build for my 120 gallon 48x24x24 tank. I'll be using the framework as designed by Rocketengineer and will be skinning with Oak. I'm sooo excited to get started!
Here would be with the 55 and one 40. the papers are my 2x4's and hopefully you see my point. In order for my Dt to be in contact with the purple 2x4's I would only have it sitting on half. so if I do two 40's they take all 36" width of my Dt. or if i go with the 55 then the length is the same as my Dt...either way I don't sit Dt on all eight 2x4's. sorry typing on phone is not fun.
First of let me say this might be one of the best threads on this forum. Great job!
I'm in the process of gathering everything i need to start a Reef tank. I have decided that i want to get the Nuvo Micro 38 gallon tank. (24x19x19) I do not trust the stand that they sell with it, so i am looking into building my own. I have a few questions...
1. Is this Stand over kill for a tank this small?
2. Can i get away with 1"x4" wood or is the 2x4 recommended?
You only use foam if the tank requires it per the manufacturer. If the tank has plastic trim, you shouldn't use any foam.3. Would I need to put foam on the stand, and if so, does it go between the tank and the plywood on top of the stand or between the stand frame and the top plywood?
4. How do i make those cool color coded drawings??:spin2:
If using the 1x4's does that do anything to the size cuts i will need to make?
hobzz can you post a picture with sitting correctly?
Yes as the boards are half as thick. The red and orange pieces are 1.5" longer to account for the decreased board thickness.[/QUOTE
Wouldn't it be the yellow and blue pieces that would need to be longer?
Wouldn't it be the yellow and blue pieces that would need to be longer?