Thanks. It does and it doesn't, framing of a floor is only 1 horizontal plane with weight spread out on top and would equate to the top of the stand, but the bottom of the stand is different in that the weight comes in through the vertical supports on the corners only. The concept of the crown facing up on the top frame of the stand so that the weight flattens it out makes sense and is what led me to believe that it should be reversed on the bottom because the weight will be through the support legs on the corners (high parts if you flipped the crown so that it was facing down) and would push down those high parts (against the solid floor) to straighten out the bottom crown. Does that make sense?
I feel like there is no way the weight of the vertical supports (only pushing on the outside ends) would straighten a crown if the outside edges are already the lowest part (crown facing up like the top frame of the stand).
For example-
Top of the stand:
Crown facing up, the weight of the tank evenly distributed through the top of the frame would push down the center to flatten the crown
Bottom of the stand:
Crown facing up, the weight of the tank goes through only the vertical supports on the ends, to the lowest parts of the crown which are already as low as they can be, which would leave the crown higher in the center.
I was thinking this would be better for the bottom:
Crown facing down, the weight of the tank goes through the vertical supports on the outside ends, to the highest parts of the crown which pushes them down to flatten the crown (the center of the crown is already at its lowest point)
Does that make sense? Having said that, i think it would be difficult to build a flat square stand, and level it without the weight already flattening down the bottom crown. The reason i thought of this is because i framed my stand with all crowns up (minimal) and there is a small gap between the floor and the center of the bottom frame. I dont see how that would flatten out unless i had additional weight from a big sump or something in the middle of the bottom frame. I do plan on having a 40b sump (probably equivalent to half full) which would likely help. I just want to make sure I am doing this right.