New 150 Cube Build
New 150 Cube Build
I've been running a 55 gallon long for a year now that I pieced together from a freshwater tank that I had and a lot of inferior equipment and technologies (I had yet to discover Reef Central at the time and got advice from less than knowledgeable sources.) I have added so many different filtration systems and pumps that my tank and stand looks like a laboratory.
About a month ago one of my hang on the back refuguims that feed down to the sump lost suction while me and the wife were cleaning the tank and spilled 5-10 gallons of saltwater on our wood floor. This is the 3rd time this has happened along with a lot of other random salt water spays and spills. There is currently no way to isolate spills or clean under our tank as it is.
So, after this latest spill I have been tasked by the wife to do a complete redesign and rebuild of every aspect of our system with the following requirements.
1. First and foremost to minimize or negate chances of saltwater making it to the wood floor. Save for a major catastrophic event, i.e. tank breaking.
2. Create one single sump/refugium/filter area that is easily serviceable.
3. Increase the total volume of water in the tank and sump area.
4. Move and/or replace RO/DI and automatic water change system to interior garage wall that backs up to fish tank location. (No more buckets inside house.)
5. Install aquarium contollers to automate as much as possible and allow remote monitoring.
6. Be slightly modular as our current house is small and we will be moving once our son graduates in three years.
We are not by any means rich but we do have some disposable income so some of the items I've selected and designed are kind of expensive and maybe overkill. Savings advice is appreciated but I'm not outright looking to cut corners at the expense of the final product.
I am only posting this in this thread right now to get advice on the stand I've designed to make sure it will hold what I want it to. As not to clutter up this already massive thread I will make a separate thread in the tank build section when I get closer to having everything ready.
My original design was to make the stand out of square stock stainless tubing and have a 6" clearance under the stand for cleaning up spills. However, when I picked and calculated the weight of the new tank it became clear that I wouldn't be able to put the weight on feet because the point loading would be too great for the floor.
I knew I needed to have the tank I wanted on hand before I got serious about stand design and construction so I've already bought it. The tank that I've selected and is already sitting in my garage is a Marineland 36x36x17 cube it holds 150 gallons. I've found that this is an odd shape to find stand plans or DIYs for.
I did find one other stand for a 30x30x24 that was my inspiration for this stand.
The wet weight is 150x8.55=1,282.5+238(tank)=1,520.5lbs.
I have designed the stand using SketchUp Make and I will share the model files if anyone is interested.
I will start with the base.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Assembled Plain Stand Only_zpsnsm2pmdl.png"/></a>
The base is approximately 50x50 square and 36" high. All boards are 2x6(1 1/2x5 1/4) and interloaced so that screws or nails only touch two boards at a time. Not shown is the plywood floor because I had to remove it to take a photo of the top interlocks(shown later). All of the doors on my house are only 3-0 and as I said before we will be moving in 3 years so fully assembley this will not fit through or our of a door, hince the need for modularity. Two to four of the top cross boards will have to be either screwed or lag bolted into place after moving the base into the house.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Assembled Plain Top Only_zpsfixgzlia.png"/></a>
This is the stand top unfinished. The center 36" square is 1x1 to make a spot for the tank to lock into, the actual size of this will have to be adjusted for the tanks bottom frames.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Assembled Plain Top Only Showing Interlocks_zpsfwqhgalp.png"/></a>
Stand top unfinished showing bottom interlocks to prevent top from sliding on base.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Interlocks In Blue_zpsusiznfce.png"/></a>
View into bottom of stand showing top interlocks set in place highlighted in blue.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Assembled Plain_zps3wyse7yz.png"/></a>
Unfinished stand with top.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Assembled Stand Only Painted_zpsjviro45e.png"/></a>
Finished and painted stand base. The black material that you see in the bottom is a spray on shower pan liner that my company uses in commercial construction, it will effectively make all of the wood in the bottom six inches of the stand waterproof and provide and area for spills to happen without worry. The rest of the stand is painted white right now because I'd like to light up the refugium more during service. I have LED strips that will come on only when the doors are open and I hoped the white will reflect them. I am, however, concerned that it will also reflect refuguim grow lights into the adjoining chambers and facilitate algae growth in unwanted areas. If any one has experience with this I'd love your input.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Assembled Top Only Painted and Tiled_zpsimnyrxci.png"/></a>
Top finished and tiled. The center will be the leveling pad. Again the bottom of it is painted gloss white to reflect light in the sump area.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Side Panel_zpsin2uwbqm.png"/></a>
These area panels to cover the sides. They will be attached with counter sunk magnets to the metal plates that I've modeled. 1/4" felt strip will be placed around the perimeter to block light from leaking out of the refugium at night. This model is currently sized for my original 42x42 stand that I had to scrap due to sump not fitting. I will remodel it soon. The inside face of these would also be gloss white to reflect light to the refugium.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Assembled With Tank and Refugium_zps9bdjonx1.png"/></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 50x50 Assembled With Tank and Refugium 2_zpsu7fygizd.png"/></a>
These two views are the stand assembled minus the side panels showing the tank placements and two different sumps.
The first refugium is 45x15x17 if it runs 8" deep it will increase the total water volume by 45x15x8=5,400/231=23.4 Gallons. This refugium is custom made but its sitting available at my LFS right now.
The second refugium is 30x30x17 if it runs 8" deep it will increase the total water volume by 30x30x8=7,200/231=31.2 Gallons. This refugium is custom made and would take 1-3 months to get depending on the fabricator's load.
So I guess for the purposes of this post I am looking for input on:
1. Will it hold the weight. I am 95% sure it will but it never hurts to double check.
2. If I make two of the top boards removable for transport and installation by using lag bolts when I reassemble them in the house will that effect the load it can handle to the point that it would eventually fail? Maybe it would be best to just leave the two boards out while fabricating it and permanently screw them in once I get it into the house. It would have to be unscrewed when we move though.
3. Will using gloss white interior paint cause refugium algae to spread out of it's compartment?
4. Any other advice or comments that would prevent headaches down the line. I am a measure three times before I cut type of guy so anything I can fix before putting blade to wood would be awesome. Hell, I've made so many changes and revisions of this already in ScketchUp that I would have built this six times since my pen and paper drawing.