Maybe a different grade of titanium?
Anyway, I just hooked up Version 4.11b and tried it out, and I have mixed results.
Some of my concerns are:
Enough flow coming in through the sawed out slots.
Slots too big to allow snails into prop area. (Slots are about 3/8" wide).
Too much flow restriction on the end with the eggcrate in place.
Prop stop won't reverse direction of propeller.
Any other weird or unforeseen problem.
Tons of flow getting to prop via the slots.
Epoxy appears to be working like a charm in reversing the direction of the propeller. It worked at least three times that I saw, all in a fraction of a second. The only time it didn't work was one odd incident when it started up in reverse, and kept spinning in reverse, but didn't pop out. I have no idea why it did this that one time, but for the most part the epoxy is working.
Amazing flow coming out of the front in a very wide cone. It is a much wider distribution than what I seem to have remembered in the past.
Doesn't start spinning everytime.

I have no idea why this is, but sometimes I have to give it a hand-start. Maybe the prop is slightly too large for the MJ to get going at startup.
The front plate is, well.... junk.

I think it has to do with the fact that I couldn't get the shaft perfectly on center, so it makes it even harder for the MJ to start spinning the prop. It also seemed to cut down on the "dispersion" factor of the flow as well. It was probably the eggcrate that did it.
Anyway, the nice thing is that even without the long top shaft in place, the unit still runs very smoothly! :bounce1: So I am currently running it without the front cover. And since I can remove it and just thread it back in later, I think I'll rework it and leave the rest of the unit running in the tank for observation.
That's it so far...
Wait, one last note. I was actually going to use the 2" pipe fittings for the guard, but found that the overlap was too big and conflicted with the suction cups. So, if anyone else ever wants to try this, if they want to use the suction cup mounts that come with the MJ, I wouldn't go with anything bigger than 1 1/2" guard. Anyhow, it still gets exceptional flow with the smaller pipe.
Okay, another thought: Maybe a 1/16" titanium shaft wouldn't be such a bad idea? The shaft fits very precisely in the magnet. Perhaps with the added glue and gunk that has fallen all over the parts, the shaft just plain can't spin smooth enough on startup. A shaft that is only 1/32 of an inch smaller might do the trick. Maybe.