DIY "Stream" Style Pump

In hindsight: I guess using the world's whimpiest powerhead's isn't such a good idea

I tried the 'corkscrew' idea, since I had to get my hands wet anyway. I'm sure a lot depends on the particulars, but I did get a nice boost (maybe 2x to 3x).

I had to use a small hammer to reattach the original rod ends - so that rod ain't moving!

I'm pretty please with the way my acrylic hack job went. I'm thinking about trimming off the end so that it's a little bit shorter, the next time I decide to get my hands wet. Maybe think of something clever to disguise it somehow. (Mount SPS corals on it?)

I guess the next bit of engineering would be how close to the body you can mount the prop and still get the best flow. In my specific case I don't really need to worry about fish or length - and it's probably a little longer (bigger) than it needs to be. My stubby props are mounted right next to the body - so while low performance they are small(er).
Ok, just to contribute to the Common Good. And since I had to type this stuff up for another post, I figured I might as well document it here to.

Starting with a beefy power head, and using the largest prop that'll work - will eventually twist the 3/16" rigid tubing into breaking. Maybe I got the world's cheapest rigid tubing? This after you figure out how to bond the pieces together to stop breaking loose before that point. Something that wasn't a problem using the whussy stubby props.

Pretty impressive learning about Newton's action/reaction law - and how water really really doesn't want to move! I turned it on while I was still holding the powerhead!

You may have to either trim the prop down - or - get some slightly larger tubing as a 'sleeve' over the 3/16. I found some sort of rigid white tubing used for sinks or something at the hardware store. I suppose larger clear rigid tubing would work out just as well. I stumbled across this white stuff first I guess! I then cut notches in the sleeve to make a mechanical connection to both the prop and impellor. Hot glue it all up. It's been - a month? - so far so good.
Does any of you guys own a Seios? How is this DIY project compare to the Seio 600 or 800, which are really cheap?

Is your DIY Tunze more powerful than a Seio 800? I am not looking for a measured g/h, just some imperical observation.
Mine are still running... get the blue RC props. some 3/32 titanium rod from a welding supply and 3/16 ridgid tubing from a LFS
I dont think so but that would be neat i get the Seio's are stronger pumps so they could take a larger / unmodified prop.
hi guys,

i new in here...

may i know how this modification will work ?
is the impeller attached should be the water input of the power head ? how it can flow water ?

niko5 said:
Mine are still running... get the blue RC props. some 3/32 titanium rod from a welding supply and 3/16 ridgid tubing from a LFS

RC boat props from a hobby store. 3/32 stainless steel rod from a different hobby store. :rolleyes: 3/16 rigid tubing from Petco. And a reinforcing sleeve to keep the 3/16 rigid tubing from twisting in half at a LHS. (Local hardware store). Mounting magnets from Petco.

The frame is made of an improvised structure made of arcylic. Attached with #16 solvent. The impellor is held together with hot glue. The powerhead is attached to the magnet with hot glue - after roughing the surface of the powerhead, and shaping the side of the magnet.

A recent variant not shown. Instead of attaching the aryclic structure directly to the powerhead - attaching it to the removable shroud that comes with the powerhead. In this case the arylic solvent doesn't work (different plastic I guess), so the structure is 'melt welded' using a soldering iron to melt/mix the plactics. A design goal was to make the whole thing shorter than before, but it lacks the same power as the original. The prop I used is different and perhaps needed more triming, or having the prop closer to the edge of the tank (due to the shorter impellor) may reduce the water flow.

In any case Anthony Calfo is constantly harping about water flow - so I set mine up to that they compliment each other and face the same way. In contrast to having them point at each other.
Hey everyone... cant let the thread get to far down :) I had an idea last night to make a cool mounting bracket for my modified maxi jets... they were in alittle box i made out of acrylic because the way they are turned the normal mounting doesent work.... well I finely figured out how to make a bracket work... I can move it up and down AND side to side which is nice so i can aim it at my corals alot better now.

Heres some pics MJ With New Mount.JPG Stream MJ Mount.JPG
Low Flow Help

Low Flow Help

Hi everyone, great thread!! Awesome DIY project!! Thanks for sharing all the research and developement.

Very nice mount niko5. I'll make one as soon as i straighten this pump out.:D

My question for those who have done this mod:
If i put my hand in front of the pump(while running in the right direction) about a foot away, I can barely feel it.
I think either the prop is too close to the pump, or the prop is too small. The prop packaging said 1 1/4 but it's actually 1 3/16, leaving alot of room between the blades and the tube.
Please take a look at these pics from my gallery.
Any advice is appreciated. Again, hats off to all!!!
To me that prop looks kind of small... Plus on the new ones i did I used 2 props like a cork screw looking thing.

How did you cut the holes in the PVC Guard for the water intake?

Also be careful the intake holes dont go past the prop because you will loose water out those holes on the side.
Re: Low Flow Help

Re: Low Flow Help

PHreef said:
My question for those who have done this mod:
If i put my hand in front of the pump(while running in the right direction) about a foot away, I can barely feel it.

Gosh darn machinists - always gotta show everyone up!

Looks great. Love the end piece. Very professional.

Remember too that these are AC and not DC. The propellor may be spinning the wrong direction when you start it... sounds like that may be the problem. Even with a propellor of that size you should feel something for sure...

Wow, thanks for the fast response guys!

niko5, i have a larger prop, but i'll have to trim it to fit in the tube.
Also, with 2 props, is it real important to get the "corkscrew" alignment, or just close enough?
I milled the intake slots on my milling machine. On this machine it's just as easy as drilling holes.

Reefwerkes, i know it was spinning the right way because i had to unplug it a few times to get the flow moving out the front. I definately feel flow, but not much.
Also thanks for the kind words.
I don't think i could show up the work you've all put into this.
I think it's absolutely amazing what you've all done just using hand tools. I'm only as good as the machine i'm using, and i'm lucky to have a shop at my disposal.

I think i'll use a larger prop and space it a little farther from the pump, and open up the vent slots. If that works, i'll try another with dual props. I'll post here in a few days to let you know how i made out.

Thanks again for your input!!

P.S. incase it matters i'm using a MJ900 pump.
PHreef said:
I definately feel flow, but not much.

That's the whole point. When I stick my hand out of my car window - I feel 60 MPH wind. I bring my hand inside - nothing. Just like the 60 MPH water jet coming out of a powerhead. Move your hand a little to the side. Nothing.

But people get all worried and plywoody and huricaney before the wind gets to even 50 MPH!
I think you should use a MJ 1200 they should spin faster.

Also I would open up the holes more like you say maybe its not getting enough water.

How much would you charge me for a few of the guards with the pretty little slots on them? :)
I thought the only difference bettween the MJ was the housing and impeller size. It makes sense as they would cost alot more if different moters had to be used for the different sizes.
doesn't the MJ900 use a lot less watts than the 1200? Wouldn't that mean it's a different pump? (unless the amount of wattage goes up with the load on a pump - I have no clue)
Donjasper, I get what your saying, but with all other flow sources off this pump barely makes the surface move a foot away. I briefly owned a Seio 620 rated at 600+ gph and in my 8' long tank it made things sway about 4' away. I estimate i'm only getting about 150 gph with this mod so far(read below). But I do understand this will be a more dispersed flow than say a Mag 5 blasting away hanging inside my tank.

niko5, I swapped the magnet/prop assembly from the 900 to a 1200. There was a significant differce, about three times as strong as the 900.
I'm still gonna change props and lenghthen the shaft a little.
As far as making a few gaurds for you, PM me and give me some measurements and i'll let you know a price. From one hobbyist to another, I'll go easy on you. I'm gonna try using a piece of gray sch 80 pipe next time. Then the whole gaurd will be gray. It ought to look like it came in the box with the Maxijet!

I'm not sure about the difference from one size pump to the next, but the magnets from a 600,900,and 1200 are all the same diameter with different size impellers.Also not sure about the dif wattages.