I'll try and remember to take a pic!
Basically an 'untrimmed' prop (Had to trim all the others). Given the 'umph' of the thing I decided to go with the 3/32 SS axel idea

(thanks!) and support both ends with a "U" type structure hacked together with acrylic/little solvent/ hot glue. Went together in one evening - even with the trip to the hobby shop to buy the stainless steel rod!
Propeller head details: (No pun in ten did).
The "local" hobby shop that carryââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s the RC props is like a hour's drive away - so I pretty much bought every small (cheap) prop that they had. So I had a couple laying around. I tried one and it didn't go

but then I tried another one with a different pitch - it's the angle of the prop to axel: --/-- Boom! It worked. Must've been just on the ragged edge with the prop with the --|-- pitch.
I took the axel with me to the hobby shop and 3/32 was the closest match. It was a touch big for the impellor, nothing that a drill bit and cordless drill couldn't fix. I liked being able to re-use the original plastic ends. (Didn't even have to get the bigger hammer!) Made attaching the outside end to the acrylic with a little hot glue child's play.
I used a Penguin PH. It was what 2 of my three previous ones where. So I knew it worked. And it was the best one the local corporate LFS carried since they didn't carry Maxijet!