I think it would put to much drag on the motor... i had tried a racing boat prop when i first started and i guess it was to powerfull it would stop the pump sometimes...
How did you mount it in the tank? I dont know if you saw my box;s i made? Ied like to see how you mounted it.
I just used the suction cups it came with and mounted it sideways for now in my 70 gallon rubbermaid stock tank sump. I will probably create something out of acrylic to hang it with later.
Well, I just added a second prop and it is absolutely crazy! It is helping a lot. It could be that my props are a little smaller than most, but this thing is going great!
Gotta increase the intakes or even them out somehow...
MAN O MAN!!!! I setup mine now with the duel prop so they look like a corkscrew not inline like your photoshop photo and WOW very nice . I set it up either way took pictures and a video and I believe the corkscrew is the best... I will post videos later so you guys can tell me which you think is best.
I also put PVC primer all over my intake and i have instant coralline algae covered intakes rather than a big white ugly thing. ALSO rather than 4 bars going across the 1 1/2" endcap I made it with 3 its still strong and i figure it has less resistance.
ALSO I dropped a 1/4" nylon washer down the shaft of the maxi jet that the mag portion rides on rather than the MH housing and now it starts up on its own every time
Haha I knew that would come up I dont think ited work I had to shave alittle off the leading edge of the 2 prop system to get it to work It so strong it was stoping the prop... Now we need a stronger powerhead to modify.
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