DIY "Stream" Style Pump

Very nice job, thanks for sharing your results so far. I look forward to seeing more pictures and reading about your experiences as you modify it further.
Can you take a picture of the stop you made to keep the prop spining the right direction?
I got it!

I finally got one to work with a maxijet 1200. There are a few more issues that I came up with.

1. They make propellars with a collar and allen screw in it. This seems very nice and it looks like stainless steel so I would recommend these unless you can get one with no metal at all.

2. Make sure the prop is not too big. My pump would turn great out of water, but the moment I put it in the water it would just twitch. Finally I cut off part of the leading edge of the prop and now it is great.

Here is a picture.

I used a small plastic rod for the shaft. This way I could get some extra length so didn't have to build the cover.

I just clipped off the impellar with some diagonal cutters, drilled out the bushings that held the old shaft in place (One all the way througha and the other part of the way through), glued the magnet to the shaft, and put the prop on.

So far so good! Also, leave a little play so if it spins in reverse it can pull out and restart.

[Sorry I don't know how to post the picture so you see it without clicking.]


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I would think that thing needs some type of guard to protect livestock from a painful lesson.
How about someone out there with a good micrometer and a bit of experience measure the impellar shaft. Then we can get the appropriate size rod and just drill out the bushing. in the cover and attach a collared prop. Then the rest is cake. With a small piece of acrylic tube, we can make a guard and use weldon 4062???? to solvent the acrylic tube to the abs housing to make a guard. With some holes or slices in the tube, it would be good to go! We could also use a reducing PVC bushing with the small side against the maxijet to help with the cone effect. Again that weldon could weld the two together. Now, someone get me that rod diameter!
I got the rod at the same hobby shop that I got the prop. They had a rack full of different size and shape plastic parts. I just picked the size that fit right in the prop.

The prop is from a traxas remote control boat. Remember if it works out of water, but not in the water then cut off the leading edge of the prop.

That is what I did with the rod. I drilled all the way through the bushing and slipped the rod through. Then put on the prop and tightened the set screw. As far as size of the rod goes: I would buy the prop first and then get a rod to fit that, then drill the bushing.

So you took the maginet that was in the mj 1200 and drilled it out so taht it would fit around the plastic rod you got and glued that in right?

and if it spins backward the mag comes out alittle and that somehow triggers it to try again hopefully in the right direction ??
Here's mine using the lil giant pump. I've had my first one running for over a year without a single problem!


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