Do you have nice aquascaping? if so let's see it..

I believe i do, new tank still. Its pukani rock modified a bit, and the big piece on the left sticks out the water line. also the right is 2 seperate pieces, only had to use some ecotech glue for the stuff i modified.
Your talking to wrong guy. I suck at this picture **** and i dont even know how to upload them. So if someone gets on phone with me and walks me or yalcin through it then . My daughter is the photogrogher in family and ill get it done. I do balance sheets and cashflow and stocks. Lol.
Beautiful hedgedrew! I'm curious did you start of with small frags or did you buy mini colonies of those corals? They look so well established!! Huge!!!!!

What is your dosing regime? Calacium reactor/two part/kalk?
1000gallons and small frags really dont get along .. these wew mainly wild colonies that have grown some of these are 5 years old from the old marital residence . i transferred coral june of 2011 into this tank as well as purchase new colonies . calcium and alk are dosed from all the above . I have 2 calcium reactors , lime water dosed with a liter meter for evaporation and... an mtc air driven 2 part doser dosing esv biionic 2part 3x daily . i use all 3 so i dont rely on 1 and i dont need to drive my calcium reactors so hard . i do dose a ton of stuff using mainly korallen zucht products . i use phols x, coral snow, coral vitalizer, bbalance ,k balance ,elos trace elememts , potasium iodine,red sea amino acids a and b
also i grow a large cheto ball in a 80 gallon breeder plumbed in and that ball can get as big as the tank i blast it with dual 400 w halides . i used to run gfo but now i am vodka and vinegar dosing for about 3 weeks . its worked ok nitrate is down from 5ppm to 2ppms and phosphate is still 0 and without gfo the colors of coral improved. as i tried to go up further i bleeched out some coral so i backed off and i am going to try to lower kh one more notch and try again.. if not ill njust settle on this dose now and deal with 2ppm nitrate
Just messing about with my dry rock.....grinder will be out soon to shape up the dry reef bones in order to simulate bonsai tree.



Rock is still waiting for acid bath followed by Seaklear treatment.
