Does anyone do freshwater?


New member
So I started a freshwater tank for my daughter's Betta fish and while I've had my saltwater tank up for more than a year I have know clue about freshwater tanks. I cycled the water before transferring him in. This java feen was in the tank during cycling which I read was fine to do. Now this plant has become very stringy and I'm not sure what I should do.

Is this normal? Should I prune it?


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So I started a freshwater tank for my daughter's Betta fish and while I've had my saltwater tank up for more than a year I have know clue about freshwater tanks. I cycled the water before transferring him in. This java feen was in the tank during cycling which I read was fine to do. Now this plant has become very stringy and I'm not sure what I should do.

Is this normal? Should I prune it?


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I have a big freshwater tank and I have kept Java ferns before. I would try pruning it but if it keeps doing that just remove it. I have always had very bad luck with Java ferns and they always ended up looking bad. I would invest in one of those little Betta leaves on a suction cup. Betta fish love those things!

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You're not supposed to bury the rhizome of the fern. Java likes to grow along the surface of things. Also, the picture looks blurry, but you either have some rot going on or you could also have a serious hair algae problem going on.
My fiance started a planted tank a few months ago and we had a similar looking algae grow on the highest pieces of java moss. I tried to siphon it off but hardly any came off. Over time it turned brown and then went away. I'm not sure if another plant out competed it for nutrients or the snail explosion we had cleaned it up. We had some snails in there from some wood or something and about a week before the algae went away there were a ton of snails in the tank.
Is that hair algae? Here is an updated pic. If so... do I just tart a bunch of water changes? Or do I pull it out? Something that eats algae for freshwater?

Appreciate all of the suggestions!

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Ah Java fern - the unkillable juggernaut of aquatic plants. +1 to what AdamAquatic said about the roots/rhizomes, rubberband the ferns to whatever rock or driftwood you want them to grow on and just wait :)