dolphin slaughtering?

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I hope you are joking about what you are saying. Just because a tiny village in Japan has been doing the dolphin slaughtering for years, you are talking about bombing Japan? You must be very narrow minded.

Actually this is not going on for years. It started somewhere in the last 20 years.
Also the difference between killing cows, pigs, chickens, lambs for food and killing dolphins is that the first four are not wild animals. We can keep them in farms to increase their population for consumption. Can we do this with dolphins? I believe we can't. As most of the marine animals out there, they require pristine conditions to multiply, while cows you can just impregnate them at a farm and have the animal caged.

Also in EU and US there are regulations for the processes taken to kill an animal for consumption. Usually the animals are injected with a hypnotic before they are...well slaughtered. But they way dolphins are killed in Taiji is barbaric. I can't see any difference in this to the killing of seal cubs for their fur in Canada.

And taking into consideration that dolphins could be as intelligent as we are...well, it makes it even hard for me to think of a good reason to kill dolphins.
I believe that is incorrect. Dolphins now are consider to be the second most intelligent beings on the planet by many scientists, above even the non-human great apes.

Unless you know some really smart pigs.

Pigs are ranked above dogs and highest among quadrapeds (maybe behind elephants) last I read into animal intelligence which is admittedly been a few years. My point is that we commonly eat an animal that is intelligent, can suffer, forms family groups, etc. Maybe they take it a step further, but it is a quantitative rather than a qualitative difference.
No, just drink that eco-koolaid. You know, like when you want to artificially skew the results of a test, like when the graphs show the average Earth temperature is on a decline, but to falsely illustrate global warming, you grossly skew the recent years, and email your global warming research buddies on how to do, it's fine. :rolleyes: I'll be long in the ground before I drive anything with less then 8 cylinders. Bet on it....

Denialists are awful about cherry picking data. THere is one example of a scientist in the majority fudging numbers and you think it throws out all the data on that side. You look for the data which supports your side and assert the majority of respected scientists must be wrong. When your side of an argument is reputed by the vast majority of scientists in the field, as well as most people with a college education.... don't you think you might want to rethink it? WHen I read comments like this I hope I see gas hit 10 dollars a gallon, because it is the only way some people will consume less. And the fricking kool aid comments :rolleye1: Let's be serious here. I am trying very hard to be respectful of your ignorance, you could at least be respectful knowledge.
While some strides have been made to reduce impact we are still WAY off of sustainable levels of consumption and carbon production.

Maybe the earth need a giant DSB

HI DAD!!! Look - i'm here - just splashed in! i can't figure out how to navigate this darn site. is there a way i can just follow your threads? i can't figure it out... and how will i know if you respond to this? someone help me please!!!

Jodi, Daughter O mine. Just click on my name and it says "find all posts by Paul B"

This thread is kind of wierd. People think I want to bomb Japan or China because they eat dolphins.
Jodi, tell them if I would bomb anywhere for real or if my reference to carrying torpedoes on my boat is a joke.
I mean Really
"This thread is kind of wierd. People think I want to bomb Japan or China because they eat dolphins.
Jodi, tell them if I would bomb anywhere for real or if my reference to carrying torpedoes on my boat is a joke.
I mean Really" Paul B

I didn't read it, actually, was just looking for you BUT, my dad has no torpedoes and doesn't really want to bomb anything.
i swear. i lived in that house a long time, and if my dad had a desire to blow up practically anything, it's well within in his power, given a turkey baster, a small torch, moon rocks and a lawnmower handle or some such set. once the stove blew up, but it was mom's fault. once the dryer blew up, but it was lightening. i assure you.
my dad cuts tumors out of fish heads with great care: he's not going to hurt any people.
as far as eating dolphins, that's pretty sad. unless you're TERRIBLY hungry. i recently stopped eating octopi, because i'm pretty sure they're upset about the whole thing. luckily, they'll take out their revenge in the Mediterranean first...:bounce3:
Not even aptasia? ;)

to be honest - and granted, i don't examine very closely - i've never seen any sort of overwhelmingly effective coup of anything (spinelessness notwithstanding) threaten the microcosmic chi of my dad's artfully balanced aqua-dominion. besides scented Clorox, against which such militaristic violence might fall short. :cool:
Because in Greece and Italy at least, octopi are ubiquitous on tables, you know, with lemon and olive oil (- not with poker chips or anything).

Wait to try it boiled and then in white vinegar to preserve it...
After a couple of weeks, get some out, cut it into small pieces, olive oil and oregano and enjoy!

But to let you know, most of the fish if not all that is served in restaurants and taverns during the summer months is not fresh. Demand is too much to be covered by local fishermen. Though I don't know where the imports are from!
Denialists are awful about cherry picking data. THere is one example of a scientist in the majority fudging numbers and you think it throws out all the data on that side. You look for the data which supports your side and assert the majority of respected scientists must be wrong. When your side of an argument is reputed by the vast majority of scientists in the field, as well as most people with a college education.... don't you think you might want to rethink it? WHen I read comments like this I hope I see gas hit 10 dollars a gallon, because it is the only way some people will consume less. And the fricking kool aid comments :rolleye1: Let's be serious here. I am trying very hard to be respectful of your ignorance, you could at least be respectful knowledge.

Well said! And said so tactfully. I have trouble communicating with these half wits now. You can show them a tonne of scientific evidence and they wont beleive any of it. They are well and truely brain washed.
No, just drink that eco-koolaid. You know, like when you want to artificially skew the results of a test, like when the graphs show the average Earth temperature is on a decline, but to falsely illustrate global warming, you grossly skew the recent years, and email your global warming research buddies on how to do, it's fine. :rolleyes: I'll be long in the ground before I drive anything with less then 8 cylinders. Bet on it....

If you're talking about the Climategate "scandal", then you're just another reason as to why the public has no business interpreting scientific dialogue. The results were neither skewed nor compromised by egotistical bias. The words and phrases used in the email exchanges are part of well-known science jargon that only goes towards ratifying the evidence of Man Made Climate Destabilization.
With domesticated animals, we know exactly how many there, and if necessary, easily adjustable their population to meet our demands... With dolphins, all this indiscriminate killing has completely unknown consequences... As mentioned previously bottlenose aren't on the endangered list, but what happens if they happened to kill an unsalvagable number of pregnant females?
Jacob Brunsvold said:
In the early {18}70's when there were buffaloes roaming around in the West they were simply slaughtered for the fun of it. You could not kill them all, the hunters would say. Now where are they? Where thousands of buffaloes were there are now none, and it was the same with the beavers. They are now nearly all gone, and what few are left are protected.
Note: {bracketed} text above added by me.

4 The salmon migrate in such great numbers that it seemed to many that their supply would never run out. 5 It still seems as though the supply of salmon will not run short, but instead of authoring its own story the salmon's epic tale is now a human saga. The Mitchell Act is illustrative of salmon's human-dependent existence; eighteen hatcheries in the Columbia River basin release over sixty-five million fish annually, including fall and spring chinook, coho, and winter steelhead.
Every time we say "Kill/take/eat all you want, you couldn't possibly get them all," regarding wild animals, we wind up regretting it.
I don't think a small group of japanese fisherman is going to destroy the worldwide population of bottlenose dolphins. Maybe i everyone in the world was doing it. Again, I don't support them killing dolphins, but they could be doing worse. I think in China they kill endangered tigers and such for medicinal purposes.
Again, I don't support them killing dolphins, but they could be doing worse.

ummm yeah...they certainly CAN be doing worse admittedly, but if everyone was only castigated for committing the WORST POSSIBLE atrocities, we'd have a pretty funny moral code. let's try that philosophy with the jail closest to your house first. ;)
Just saying, there are a lot more important things for us to be up in arms about with animals that are in a lot greater danger. Worst case scenario, the Japanese will wipe out the local dolphin population. A travesty to be sure, but the worldwide dolphin population is in no danger from the Japanese. Now whales, that's another story entirely.
A travesty to be sure, but the worldwide dolphin population is in no danger from the Japanese.

i know this isn't a vocabulary forum (and i am not even capitalizing proper nouns or constructing complete sentences to be able to argue anything grammar-related), but i can't resist: you are misusing the word "travesty."

it is not a synonym of tragedy. common malapropism. it means a sort of grotesque parody of something. which i don't think you intend about killing dolphins.

please don't think i'm being rude - just trying to offer a friendly tip!!!:idea:
haha, well now I know, and knowing is half the battle. I suppose I've never heard that word used correctly then
haha, well now I know, and knowing is half the battle. I suppose I've never heard that word used correctly then

yeah, it's a tragedy, but travesty's mostly used incorrectly for sure. in politics it's more often used correctly, as in the current situation with the stalled health care nonsense. more travesty than tragedy. well, depending on whether you're disappointed in congress or just are really ill and need free urgent care, i guess, in which case you might find yourself suffering a personal tragedy impacted by a political travesty. i realize i just made this much more confusing. just err on the side of using "tragedy" and you'll typically be safe. unless you're a journalist.
By my daughter
to be honest - and granted, i don't examine very closely - i've never seen any sort of overwhelmingly effective coup of anything (spinelessness notwithstanding) threaten the microcosmic chi of my dad's artfully balanced aqua-dominion. besides scented Clorox, against which such militaristic violence might fall short.

:reading: I guess you can see by now who has all the brains in the family.
Thank God she does not correct everything I post.
Well, maybe now that she is on here, she will.
My daughter is a genius when it comes to writing and a variety of other things so for your own good, don't question her vocabulary or grammar.
As to dolphins, horses, or Japanese people. I never killed, or wanted to hurt any of you. I have no torpedoes, bombs, grenades, napalm or anything else to hurt anyone.
If people want to slaughter dolphins, horses, whales or Paris Hilton, I guess it is not my place to tell them it is wrong.
I just kill Mojanos and aptisia. (pest anemones for my daughter who doers not know what they are yet)
Have fun.
Paul :wave:

PS, Jodi, don't get crazy with writing skills on here. I am one of the worst offenders.
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