dolphin slaughtering?

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Please tell me what is "extreame" about not wanting the environment polluted and degraded and wanting a healthy planet left for future generations?

I think anything else is "extream" and "nutty".

Rossini, I agree on your points. In many regards, the westernized countries are already making/have made improvements in emissions and waste products. Reducing our carbon footprint is a hoax to line the pockets of politicians. I scoff at groups that make silly claims such as "we're overpopulating the planet" or turning California farms into dustbowls because of a fish. To assume that man can destroy this planet is quite arrogant as it has survived much worse assaults than mankind.
Rossini, I agree on your points. In many regards, the westernized countries are already making/have made improvements in emissions and waste products. Reducing our carbon footprint is a hoax to line the pockets of politicians. I scoff at groups that make silly claims such as "we're overpopulating the planet" or turning California farms into dustbowls because of a fish. To assume that man can destroy this planet is quite arrogant as it has survived much worse assaults than mankind.

We are far above the population level the planet is capable of supporting if other populations consumed at the levels western countries do. To support 6 billion at US standard of living we would require 2 additional earths. * We aren't going to kill the planet, but we are going to see a population rebound at some point of war and starvation on a scale never before seen in recorded history. While some strides have been made to reduce impact we are still WAY off of sustainable levels of consumption and carbon production. Convincing people there is no reason to worry is a unbased hoax designed by industrialists to continue to line their pockets.

*Tony McMichael, Human frontiers, environments and disease (2001) Cambridge
Jeremy, that may be true IF all nations consumed at the rate of Western nations, but they don't and likely never will. I'll agree with you on the war and destruction piece as this has been made known thousands of years ago.
I don't think it has to be all the countries... I think China and India will be more than sufficient ;)

We have meandered a far cry from dolphins :bigeyes:

I don't know if dolphins can be harvested in a sustainable manner. I don't like the idea of them being killed at all. But they are only marginally smarter than a pig IIRC and I don't see myself giving up bacon anytime soon so I guess sustainability is my only gripe.
Rossini, I agree on your points. In many regards, the westernized countries are already making/have made improvements in emissions and waste products. Reducing our carbon footprint is a hoax to line the pockets of politicians. I scoff at groups that make silly claims such as "we're overpopulating the planet" or turning California farms into dustbowls because of a fish. To assume that man can destroy this planet is quite arrogant as it has survived much worse assaults than mankind.

Sound's like you have been brain washed by all that crap that corporations spoon feed the U.S public.....

Go read what the worlds scientists are saying, not blogs by people on the pay roll of big fossil fuel corporations.

Oh and any emmisions reductions which actually I dont think there are many, is the result of the U.S corporations just like other western corporations outsourcing their pollution to other less powerfull countries. This is to feed the west's massive consumption of resources. Wakey wakey time.
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Jeremy, that may be true IF all nations consumed at the rate of Western nations, but they don't and likely never will. I'll agree with you on the war and destruction piece as this has been made known thousands of years ago.

Errrr have you not seen what's going on in India and China?

Even if they didn't grow unsustainbly, currentley and globally we are still at unsustainable levels of consumption of the worlds natural resources and environmental limits.
HI DAD!!! Look - i'm here - just splashed in! i can't figure out how to navigate this darn site. is there a way i can just follow your threads? i can't figure it out... and how will i know if you respond to this? someone help me please!!!
Errrr have you not seen what's going on in India and China?

Even if they didn't grow unsustainbly, currentley and globally we are still at unsustainable levels of consumption of the worlds natural resources and environmental limits.

No, I completely ignore the rest of the globe. Lay off the kool aid. ONLY Westerned nations give a crap about the environment and attempt to make improvements. What's your point as China & India's gov't appear to have 0 interest in improving their practices? The sky is not falling...
To assume that man can destroy this planet is quite arrogant as it has survived much worse assaults than mankind.
On a geologic time scale, the biosphere can almost certainly recover from anything we can do to it, but we don't live at a geologic time scale.

Can man destroy the biosphere? Probably Not. Can we disrupt the biosphere enough to make our own survival impossible? Maybe. Can we wipe ourselves out of the picture, and leave a mess for the biosphere to clean up in the process? Yes. See October 14-28, 1962, and November 2-11, 1983. Can we trap ourselves and our descendants for the forseeable future in a genetically impoverished period between two healthy, diverse periods? Yes.
I hope you are joking about what you are saying. Just because a tiny village in Japan has been doing the dolphin slaughtering for years, you are talking about bombing Japan? You must be very narrow minded.

I got a boat but I will need a lot of donations to buy enough gas to get it to Japan.
And for some reason, they don't let me carry torpedoes.
I hope you are joking about what you are saying. Just because a tiny village in Japan has been doing the dolphin slaughtering for years, you are talking about bombing Japan? You must be very narrow minded.

Cool your jets gatorboy, Paul is obviously being facetious.
But they are only marginally smarter than a pig IIRC and I don't see myself giving up bacon anytime soon so I guess sustainability is my only gripe.

I believe that is incorrect. Dolphins now are consider to be the second most intelligent beings on the planet by many scientists, above even the non-human great apes.

Unless you know some really smart pigs.
Sound's like you have been brain washed by all that crap that corporations spoon feed the U.S public.....

Go read what the worlds scientists are saying, not blogs by people on the pay roll of big fossil fuel corporations.

Oh and any emmisions reductions which actually I dont think there are many, is the result of the U.S corporations just like other western corporations outsourcing their pollution to other less powerfull countries. This is to feed the west's massive consumption of resources. Wakey wakey time.
No, just drink that eco-koolaid. You know, like when you want to artificially skew the results of a test, like when the graphs show the average Earth temperature is on a decline, but to falsely illustrate global warming, you grossly skew the recent years, and email your global warming research buddies on how to do, it's fine. :rolleyes: I'll be long in the ground before I drive anything with less then 8 cylinders. Bet on it....
About the dolphins, take the nastiness of the slaughtering out of it. With domesticated animals, we know exactly how many there, and if necessary, easily adjustable their population to meet our demands.

With dolphins, all this indiscriminate killing has completely unknown consequences. If these were captive bred dolphins, who cares? Trying to boost dolphin populations is not like cows or pigs, artificially impregnating some female dolphins. As mentioned previously bottlenose aren't on the endangered list, but what happens if they happened to kill an unsalvagable number of pregnant females?
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