Don't be shy, please introduce yourself!

Hi, my name is Jen,
My husband is a reefer here in southern UT.
I hope to meet you all next sunday at the meeting. I hope some of you know a thing or two about FOWLR. That is what I have. Thanks!
Great to have you with us Jen! Looking forward to meeting you next week.

I really do not know much about FOWLR other than the fish I keep/kept in my tanks. :)
Hi I just posted a thread. (Great Club) Sorry I should have looked at this first. Anyway moved here with my wife and two boys ages 2 and 12 from San Diego. Just finished cycling my 16 gal bowfront and just added my first corals today(metalic green mushrooms). I wish I would have seen this club first Id much rather buy frags from someone here at LVVR instead of getting ripped at ATM. Anyway my wife and I are Nurses as St Rose and I'm excited to find this club. Thanks, chris
Welcome to our little world! I think that you will really lilke it here! We have got our selves quite a little group going here now. You just missed our of our best meetings this past weekend! But, I am sure that there will be many more to come!

& to LVVR. Great to have you with us! Post often if you can and I too look forward to meeting you are one of our upcoming meetings. :)
Hi Chris glad you made it her to this site. Just an FYI I am a Pharma rep and am in and out of a lot of hospitals here in vegas working with Orthopedic docs.

Thanks for the welcome everyone. Im always looking but I dont post much because I dont have much to contribute yet. Im just a newbie but Im learning alot. Ill also start posting some pics once I can figure how to get my pictures loaded without bieng to big of files.LOL. Anyway great to be here.
Hi guys:
Is the first time that I am really into this website.
Thanks to the "undone guy" who is a member of this site
I just started with my salt aquarium about 7 months ago and eventhough i had aquariums since i was 15 years old (long time ago), this is my first salt one.
The tank is 85 gallons and right now I have 3 shrimps (2 fire and one cleaner), 2 brittle stars, 1 chocolate chip star, 1 flame angel, 1 yellow tang, 2 clown fishes, 3 damsels, 1 gobi watchman, and 2 cardinals. Am i in the right way?
Oh, I forgot, i have around 20 pounds of live rock.

juan nice to see you finally made it to the boards! how's that wireless network running?

did you pick up some "prime" for your tap water?=P
Hi undone guy, I did what you told my about the live rock. I still haven't goten the prime because im moving houses, but I'll do it right away. The wireless network is just fine except that the signal doesn't get very far. I just recently took my desktop to you're shop to get all the viruses out because It's been having alot of them. Now my notebook is infected to so I have to take that one now. Thanks
Hey one more question you guys. I was buying all my food for my fish in a store called F.I.S.H here in the east side but one day the guy that worked there was rude so i never went there before, but they had the food I liked. It was easy to disolve, and now i cant find anything like it so plz help me.