Don't be shy, please introduce yourself!

Hello fellow reefers
my family is going to lost wages for a convention this weekend and i was wondering if anyone had any cool/rare frags for sale? They are staying at NYNY any responce would be great. Looking for manily zoos and sps have a great day all.
Hey there everybody, I think I've introduced myself once before, but that was then, this is now... I am officially moving to Las Vegas next Saturday (3/11/06).

I have a few concerns involving my move. First off, I will be moving my 29-gallon tank from Lake Tahoe to Las Vegas... I think everything will go smooth, but what I would really like to know is, where can I turn if they don't?

I guess that question translates into: "I'll be moving to Summerlin and want to know where the closest and best aquarium store is."

Okay, that's it for now, but I'm sure I'll post some more questions over the next week.

Hey Scott! :D So you are going to make it! We will be neighbors too.

No real great LFS near to us. We have ATM II and the guy who works in there now is a cool cat. We also have Tropical Expressions sort of near by. Jackie gets some nice things in from time to time.
welcome to vegas, scott!

hope everything went smoothly with the tank move. i went back and had a look at your setup thread....very, very impressive! i wish i had the forethought to set up flow like you did! would love to see it when it's back up and running! may hit you up for some design ideas!

hey, you also might want to join most of us over at the Las Vegas Valley Reefers site. as you can see, most of the locals don't spend as much time on this forum anymore (at least the vegas reef club section). this forum is very active for the locals and this is also where you can find out about upcoming meetings, lfs, frag trading, the works!

looking forward to meeting you!

Hi everyone-
MY name is Scott and I live in the San Diego area but I am moving to Las Vegas in the next 3 months. Just thought I'd introduce myself and look foward to meeting some of you and maybe future frag swapping.
Hello Everyone :)

Hello Everyone :)

My name is Linda, and I have been in the "reefer" addiction for about 4 years. I currently have a 55gal, 29 gal, and a 6gal nano. I've lived in Vegas for about 6 years now. I moved into a new house end of last year, and that move devastated all my corals and fish. So I'm slowly restocking the things that I have lost. <so expensive>

Hi Linda, nice to meet you.

There are quite a few of us locally, please visit us over at
I will be in Vegas tomorrow for business. Any saltwater pet stores you guys recommend ?
HI, my name is Wolf and I'm a fishieholic...

HI, my name is Wolf and I'm a fishieholic...

I've had fish most my life. But it was always fresh or brackish. Had african cichlids that I moved from CT to San Francisco but didn't try to move back east so took about a 5 year break. Recently for my 40th birthday my partner bought me a 135g tank complete with live rock, crushed coral and sand. It had 2 anenomes, 1 gold stripe clown and a green chromis with lots of hermits. Anyway the guy who sold it too me gave me all that and all the equipment he had. So started out good I guess. I've added a 2 spot gobby and a Royal Gramma. 1 of the anenomes didn't make the move well it was dead when I reset it up when I got it to my house. Anyway am really just learning about all of this. Have read two books in addition to the books I had long ago when I was just dreaming.

I don't think the Anenome that is left is going to make it as he's hiding where I can't seem to find a way to get to him to feed him. Though I do think the clown is being a good boy and taking him food.

Anyway looking for any advice or help with ideas for what to do next... I've posted in the new area as 135g new guy questions.


Have pics up at
Hey everyone!

My name is Todd and I moved here about 2 years ago from Indiana. I have been eyeing a nice tank for awhile now but I use to travel a good deal. My traveling days are over so now I'm waiting, patiently, for my 75g tall with custom stand to be ready.

Is it ready yet????? ...dang.

Hey Todd, welcome to the club! If you can make it we have meetings every first Saturday of the month. Come check it out.
Our next meeting is this Saturday from 1:00 to 3:00 at Tropical Expressions on Rainbow and Oakey. I will not be there, but it should be a great time. We are having a frag swap.
hello all name is chris...i will be bk in vegas end of this yr...and i will be seting up a new tank soon....i hope lol lol lol
Hello Chris,
When you get back in town check out one of our meetings and feel free to visit our site as well. It is on the first page.
Or search for vegas reefers.