Don't be shy, please introduce yourself!

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Happy to see you here, and to know you want to get reefing! :)

According to Brandon, reef tanks are the most difficult of all the tanks and requires the most work. He suggested that I do some research on reefs before buying anything. That's when I found ReefCentral and your forum.

That is some excellent advise. I hope our club as well as RC can help you in what ever way you need. If I could make a suggestion it would be to buy some good books. :) Here are three I think are excellent if you are just starting out reefing.

The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner

Aquarium Corals by Eric Borneman

Reef Invertebrates by Calfo & Fenner

We are very interested in attending your next meeting, getting to know everyone, and learning all we can about reefs and what we really need in order to get started. I would really like to get the tank up and running ASAP.

Looking forward to meeting you! It's always exciting to get a new reef started. A good saying to remember is, nothing happen quickly in a reef tank except disaster. This is not a hobby to rush with, patience pays off. :D

Hamburgers and hot dogs sound just fine. Let us know if we should bring anything.

Just bring some questions if you have any! Also we have a thread about the meeting, so if you see a fish food you can bring along do that would be awesome. If not no worries, it's more about getting together and having a good time.

My name is Jesse. I'm really new to reefkeeping, but have been enjoying the research and learning something new. My tank's been up for about three months. I'll plan on coming to the meeting in April, but it's on the exact opposite side of town ;) Beats driving in from Kingman though!

I'll bring a keg to the meeting.



My name's Taylor. I just moved here from Florida last week. I'll be starting up my 75 gal again. I had to sell everything I had off. Fortunately, I gave a friend of mine some frags and I'm hoping to get them back when my tank's up and running again. I look forward to the next meeting whenever that may be. When I was looking at this club's forum from Florida I saw that you can get a 5% discount and free shipping from MarineDepot. Who can I talk to, I've got a big order.

Thanks and look forward to meeting you...

P.S. the prices here are at least 2X Florida for livestock...ouch...look forward to trading.
Welcome to Vegas Taylor! :)

I'm working on getting a behind the scenes tour of the Shark Reef next month, if we are able to score that (waiting for a return call) I hope you can make it.

Jeff (opihi) is the man when it comes time to do the MD orders. We'll see about getting a group buy soon. I have some odds and ends I could use. :)
Well my name is Burk Lattimore, but everyone call me BJ. I am getting ready to move to Vegas from Dallas, TX
I have had a lot of FW tanks, and then switched to SW. Right now I have a 200 gal FOWLR that when I move I hope to setup as a reef tank.
So what are the LFS like?
thanks for your time and I hope to meet some of yall soon.
Welcome BJ! :D I hope we can meet you too soon. That's quite a move, but you should enjoy Vegas I'm sure.

The LFS action is growing here. The three I'd recommend would be Green Valley Aquarium in Henderson, Tropical Expressions, and a new one Instareef. I haven't checked out Instareef yet but they have a website here. Some members have been and are very impressed. :)
Hello all

Moved to Las Vegas in 1989 from Phoenix, Az

I have allways had a fish tank going all my life. Freshwater and saltwater, S/W fish with liverock. Love the RC forums and now trying out the reef setup.
I have spent close to 8k so far and counting. I really want to make this reef tank work out. So far after up and running 3 months lookin real good. I think I lost my first Anemone, as to it dissapeard. I need to learn how and what to feed the corals too.
Hopefully this club and RC will make it worth it.

Hi Bill,
nice to meet you. please come to our next meeting August 14th at the Shark Reef @ Mandalay Bay. it'll be a good opportunity to meet other reefers in our area, and learn more about our hobby.

Hi Bill,

Good to hear from you. I too hope you can make it to our next meeting. There will be much to learn and a good time to be had.

HI My name is Tyrel. I have had a reef tank for 10 months and have never looked back at freshwater. I live in St. George. I work with Mike Bracken at Quality Excation. I met a few of you at doc's when Steve Tyree came down. Im looking forward to meeting all of you this sunday!
Hello everyone,
I would like to first of all thank everyone for starting a club like this in vegas. I think this really has the potential to change the reef industry in this town. My name is Clint and i've lived in vegas for about 18 years now, and am personally getting a little tired of it but thats another story.
I'm an automotive technician at carmax by day, and college student by night. I got into reef keeping about a year ago when my wonderful girlfriend got me a 3.5 gal hex tank with a piece of liverock, some sand, and a sexy shrimp. At that time i didnt have a clue about these tanks or what she was getting me into. Needless to say i fell i love with the hobby. Now I have a 12 gal custom hex tank that seems to be doing very well with a lot more sexy shrimp ;) I am looking to start a much larger tank once i find a more permenant place of residance. I used to post on but now that i found a local club im sure ill be spending a lot more time here that over there.
I got to meet everyone at the meeting at the shark reef today. I thought it went great and am looking forward to the next one. It was great seeing Bobby there, havn't seen him since highschool. Anyways enough with the chitchat, I think its really cool what you guys are all doing for the hobby in vegas and just hope that this can continue to grow.
woo clint! was a pleasant surprise seeing you and chelsea at of all places, a reef club meeting =)

the other forum we frequent often is we have the ability to do "classifieds" there without being prosecuted by forum admins here on RC. Glad to have you with us!


ps-tell chelsea thanks for the credit card tip, worked like a charm!
Hi Tyrel & Clint, didn't get much of a chance to chat w/ y'all today, but i'm glad you came out. wish you guys could have benefitted from the raffle, better luck next time :)
It was nice meeting you Tyrel, glad you made it here on RC and over at our other fourm. :)

Clint, nice meeitng you too!
Hey thanks mike and jen for letting us ride with you down to vegas. Steph and I had alot of fun. Probably not as much as Carson did. I hope that i get to benefit from the raffle too. At least my money goes to a good cause. I hope that i am able to make it to more of your meetings.