Dosing a tank with Vitamin C?

Here you go Puffy:

The recommended dosage of "Vitamin C" is understood to be the same as the Nutribiotic product in the case of this discussion, the years of testing and observing and everything related to Pufferpunk's efforts to refine this aquarium additive.

Funkman262, are you studying to be a lawyer? :)
Funkman262, are you studying to be a lawyer? :)

lol no, environmental engineering (although many people tell me I should be a lawyer). I've spent much of the past couple years mixing chemicals in the lab so I tend to be a bit critical on dosages lol
Hehe, I understand. The thing about the dosage chart is that you don't have to be precise at all. It is very possible to adjust the dosage that best fits your tank. After dosing a year or so, I cut back to around 2-3 mg per day to maintain things. I still had great growth and color in my corals and I only did a water change once a month or so. My tank was very mature and stable which helped a lot.
The Brightwell would probably be fine for someone with a nano like me. I checked out the dosing instructions and a 500mL bottle ought to last me over 2 years...I just did some calculations and based on the results, the recommended dosage is about 0.38 mg/l of ascorbic acid per day. Seems pretty low. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd like to hear some feedback on this. In order to add 5 ppm twice a day, this 500 mL bottle would only last about a month on a 20g system. It doesn't seem very economical to use this, even on a small tank. But, I have heard some pretty good reviews on this product (I'm assuming they were dosing the recommended amounts). Maybe even tiny amounts of the Vitamin C is enough to have a positive effect on fish/coral health...
I don't mean to resurrect this thread. Besides the link posted earlier, where else might this product or a suitable replacement be found? Do health stores such as GNC, hi-health wallgreens etc. carry anything that could be used in its stead?
I've always found the I-herb company offering the best price in bulk (16oz) jars. Especially with th 1st time discount.
A simpler break down.

A simpler break down.

This chart is kind of confusing to me. Could it be stated a little more simply?
PPM, I understand that but I dont want to have to sit down and work out PPM for all my tanks, wouldnt it be nice to have something like 1 tsp to a gallon of water? Mix one cup of said mixture into said amount of gallons tank. Something that those of us that are well for lack of a better word LAZY.
Id like to just drop what ever appropriate amount into some water and mix that into my sump to address the specific size tank.
Hey Guys, Great post and useful info. thank you
Just a quick question. Is it safe and is it recommended to add Vitamin C to a quarantine tank when treating a fish and would it interfere or create any chemical reaction with a copper based products, like cupramine?
Pretty old thread. I tried back in 2009 ..... another "fad" if you ask me. Personally, I would steer clear and stick to the basics on quarantine tank as published.

just my 2 cents, but I did use for about 8 months with no appreciable difference in my tanks.
Here are the directions:
Use this product:

To figure out how much to use, decide if you want to simply improve coral growth, spread, and color. If so, then you should dose around 5 ppm twice daily (down to 2-3 ppm works also). If you are having problems with coral or fish health, dose up to around 30 ppm twice daily.

Calculate the total net number of gallons in your tank (minus rocks, sand, etc). Enter that number here ______.

You will now need to do a little math. The amounts below are for 100 gallons of water so if you have 50 net gallons, cut the amounts shown below in half etc.

Dosing amounts using Iherb product:
1/4 tsp=1112 mg.

For every 100 gallons:

5 ppm ----- 1892 mg VC
10 ppm ---- 3785 mg VC
15 ppm ---- 5677 mg VC
20 ppm ---- 7570 mg VC
25 ppm ---- 9462 mg VC
30 ppm ---- 11355 mg VC

After you have figured out how much you want to dose at each dosing, enter that number here _____. This is your dose to be used twice a day.

*Be sure your pH and alk are within normal reef limits before starting. Adjust if needed. Monitor weekly.
*Shoot for a ppm of around 5 or lower if only dosing for improved coral growth, coloration, and spread, also for better health/coloration of your fish. Shoot for higher amounts up to 30 ppm if you are having melting zoas or closed zoas and look for the causes of your problems as you dose. Higher doses of as much as 100ppm (for about 2 weeks) for fish illness. Check for high nitrates, pests, zoa pox, predators, and unstable water conditions.
*Dose low amounts and increase the amount slowly over the course of a few days to a couple weeks.
* If you notice an algae bloom (white stringy stuff) or increased scum on your glass then cut back by half until it disappears.
* Watch your skimmer, it will start to skim more.
* Dose the amount twice a day in a fast moving area of your sump or overflow. You may dilute the vitamin c in ro/di water then pour into overflow. If adding to sump, try and add the vitamin c after filtration such as skimmers and reactors. *Keep your Vitamin C bottle in the refrigerator. * If you have a question, ask here. I do my best to check these threads daily.
* The instructions in this guide and throughout this thread are based on using pure Sodium Ascorbate, not vitamin c pills and other non-buffered forms of vitamin c.

Be sure to take some "before" pics!
This link does not work anymore. can you please send me what vitamin c you use. I would like to try this out?
This link doesn't work anymore. could you please assist in helping me find. i would like to try dosing this. Also, is there anything i can get without having to order for now??