Dutch Built-in 240 Gallon tank


New member
Hello all,

Just a short introduction before I present my tank to the worldwide reefing community:
My name is Hans, 40 years young and married. I have two kids which are both early teenagers now (time flies).

I live in the Netherlands and yes, Reefing is even popular over here. Electricity must be twice as expense as in the US but this hasn't prevented me from building my 15 year long dream...

With a background in Fresh water, I have always dreamt about Salt water but I only wanted it if I was going to be able to build it into a wall (as a living painting).

Finally, after years of reading and surfing the net about seawater, last fall, my wife wanted to do a make-over for the house and I've used that opportunity to make my dream real...

Will just let the prictures do the talking now (easier as English isn't my mother tongue... :rolleyes: )

The start: Just a drawing on the wall:

Finally: a sizeable hole in the wall

The backside: building a special room for the tank and technique inside my garage (which was never used to park a car in anyway)

The hole, but now nicely plastered....

And the completion of my "Aqua room"
Time flies, the below foto is from half December '08; just before the tank will arrive..

YES... It is here. let the fun begin...

And the result from a lot of work: below a picture of a month ago and how it is integrated in my interior of the house...
And here some inhabitants...

Actually, the below Nardoa has already been brought back to the store as it was snacking on my Anthelia...




And last for now, a couple of overview shots. Pls note that the tank is running with water since December 23rd and still relatively young.
Always open for questions, suggestions or critizism...



OK last one than... I just love this picture from a spongecrab which fell out of a piece of liverock when I was eliminating some aiptasia.
It sits on a piece of paper when I took the pic and still lives happily in my tank (I hope, as I have never seen it back again after releasing it)

Oh wow! Amazing remodel (I'm always intruiged by the difference in building materials overseas) and even nicer tank! Looks far bigger than a 240 I think.

What is the back of the tank wall done in? You've really made a serious case for not having the typical open layout we see so often lately. Many interesting spots in there...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15397511#post15397511 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by carolina reefer
Very nice! Looks to be a great set up.

Thanks, I am truly proud of it myself. It is my first Saltwater tank and still have little experience (obviously learning every day)...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15397866#post15397866 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lastlight
Oh wow! Amazing remodel (I'm always intruiged by the difference in building materials overseas) and even nicer tank! Looks far bigger than a 240 I think.

What is the back of the tank wall done in? You've really made a serious case for not having the typical open layout we see so often lately. Many interesting spots in there...

Glad you like it. For me to describe the material in English is quite tough. It was a standard, sort of polystyren back, sold in the aqua store. The material is not soft, but you can still carve holes in it for putting Corals. I am on a business trip in Italy right now, but will check (when I get home) if I can find the material description.

You are right about the open layout; I see them more and more over here as well. I have to say that the structure looks more massive on the pics than in reality. It has indeed lots of caves for fish to hide in.
+1 on the Stainless trim and cover!

Really makes an awesome looking display!

I also like your fish selection
Thanks "Jefathome", "Bax" and "Waynem" for your kind words. The Stainless steel trim was custom made at the time by my aqua builder. The fact that it has a valve (hope it is the right word) that I can open and close from the front for access to the tank is a big advantage.
I have seen inwall aqua's that didn't have that and therefore the aquarist needed to do all the work from the backside, which I think is a pain...

@Ebob954: It is not a foam background but a special aquarium material that you can buy in most Saltwater aqua stores over here and can cut to fit every size. Rock is live rock from Indonesia.

@Laugh: hahaha; Ice-cream is indeed big over here. I work for a brand that is quite well known in the US as well... The name has a Swedish ring to it and includes a "ä"...
excellent photos i love the first one of the hermit crab . what is that curly coral just right of the leather I have never seen anything like that before. keep up good work . thanks for sharing .
Congratulations on a great build documentaion. Love the tank and your aquascaping. I'm a big fan of what you've done with the stainless steel looks real good.

I think your pics have convinced me to get a trio of Pyramid Butterflies.