Dutch Built-in 240 Gallon tank

And more:




Your reef looks like one that a person could just sit in front of all day and never get bored. I love it! Great job!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15610877#post15610877 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LUVSPS
Your reef looks like one that a person could just sit in front of all day and never get bored. I love it! Great job!
And that's exactly what I am doing when not working.. LOL

Thanks for the compliment (also to Robot2222 and Moses)
Awesome reef! Looks very natural. Hard to believe that is your first saltwater tank. Fish room looks very neat, clean and well organized. Love the stainless trim and the chiller shroud. Your photgraphy skills are pretty good as well. Well done!
Thank you all ("Carolina Reefer", Reefaddict79", "Christo82" and "Coralfriend") for your very complimentary posts...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15633283#post15633283 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by christo82
Awesome tank!!! The pics you took are great too...what kind of camera are you using??
The first pictures in my thread have all been taken with a rather simple camera (Canon Ixus 65 ) which has a Macro mode. This camera can give really nice resulkts though, but only if the object is very close to the glass.
The last 9 pictures of this thread are taken with my new camera which is the Nikon D90. This camera has so many options (and I've three different lenses) that I still have to figure out wat set-up would give the best results... I'll make sure to figure that out so hopefully you'll be able to see the progress going forward...
Thanks reeferon...

Now that the tank is running for some 8,5 months, I am running into some No3 issues since six weeks (and still building unfortunately :rolleyes:). I have already started cutting back on feeding (although I don't think I am feeding excessively) and started today with adding some Vodka. I'll build this up very slowly and start cutting down as soon as NO3 drops below the acceptable levels.
Just a list of what currently swims around in my tank... Given the tanks size, I will most likely not add much more:

1 Foxface "Lo Vulpinus"
2 Yellow Sailfin Tangs "Zebrasoma flavescens"
1 Pacific Sailfin Tang "Zebrasoma veliferum"
1 Blue Surgeonfish "Paracanthurus hepatus"
2 Convict Blennies "Pholidichthys leucotaenia"
1 Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse "Labroides dimidiatus"
1 Convict Surgeonfish "Acanthurus triostegus"
2 Anemone Demoiselles "Amphiprion ocellaris"
2 Juwel Cardinalfishes "Pterapogon kauderni"
1 Midas Blenny "Ecsenius midas"
1 Comet "Calloplesiops altivelis"
1 Manderinfish "Pterosynchiropus splendidus"
1 Flame Angelfish "Centropyge loricilus"
1 Redtooth Triggerfish "Odonus niger"
3 Sixstripe Wrasses "Pseudocheilinus hexataenia"
1 Royal Gramma "Gramma loreto"
1 Blue-spotted Dascyllus "Dascyllus carneus"
1 Pennant Glider "Valenciennea strigata"
1 Janss' Pipefish "Doryrhamphus janssi"
2 Shy Butterfly Fishes "Hemitaurichthys polylepis"
1 Banded Goby "Amblygobius phalaena"
1 Checkerboard Wrasse "Halichoeres hortulanus"
Thanks tcfab; I do too...

Came back home yesterday evening from a three day business trip and under the supervision of my wife, the tank looked cleaner than ever. :confused: And she only feeds the fishes and changes the filtermaterial on a daily basis...

One problem though: My Mespilia Sea Urchin has been "playing" with one of my favorite corals (Green Seriatopora Caliendrum) and managed to pull it over. Of course it fell on a Hydnophora, so some ugly spots inside the Caliendrum now... :mad:
Still struggling with my Nitrate level which is around 50mg/L. I cannot see any of my Corals having a problem with that sofar (and my few softcorals are loving it..) but I would like to go to lower levels (around 10mg/L)
I am adding Vodka now for some weeks but still in very little amounts (4ml daily). At least the Nitrate level stopped increasing now but isn't coming down. Probably I will gradually increase the Vodka dose to some 8ml/L hoping to see some effect..
Hans, The tank looks great. I am setting one up about the same size. I also plan to do a backwall effect and could use your advise on the amount of flow. I think I see at least one Tunze stream in there. What are you using for flow in the tank?
