Dutch Built-in 240 Gallon tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15401428#post15401428 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robot2222
excellent photos i love the first one of the hermit crab . what is that curly coral just right of the leather I have never seen anything like that before. keep up good work . thanks for sharing .

The curly coral is a sort of Gorgonian (in the same post as the one of the Hermit crab, the last pic, is actually a close-up of the same coral). I don't know exactly what kind of Gorgonian as it seems to be quite rare. Within Holland and Belgium there is only one store that sells them in several colors. I have two: a yellow and a red one... I don't feed them separately, they just take from the food I offer to my fish (a.o. Cyclops, cyclopeeze, lobster eggs and Zoo plankton)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15401815#post15401815 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GlassReef
Congratulations on a great build documentaion. Love the tank and your aquascaping. I'm a big fan of what you've done with the stainless steel looks real good.

I think your pics have convinced me to get a trio of Pyramid Butterflies.

Thanks.... I can tell you that the prymids are 100% reefsafe. (I think the only sort of butterflies actually).
They eat well; everything frozen as well as dry; except for the veggies... They don't like those
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15401916#post15401916 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serenity
Great looking tank! Can you post some pics of your new sump room with equipment?

Hi Serenity (nice avatar :D )

Herewith the picture of the inside of my aquaroom.

Some equipment:
Proteinskimmer, Sandbed filter, Phosphate/carbon filter, Cooler, Calcium reactor, Osmosis filter and two 39Gallon tanks for Osmosis water and to prepare Salt water.
Thanks "korth659" and "music123"; always nice to get compliments...

I have been busy last weekend with taking my cooler out of my sumproom as it produced by far too much heat compared to the size of my sumproom. Even an improved fan couldn't prevent this space to feel like a sauna every once in a while.

So, the idea was to put the cooler outside (frontside of the house)and therefore I had to make two 25mm holes through a double wall for the hoses.

Besides a little incident (I accidently hit my feedpump, which resulted in a water fountain of almost 1 meter high and water to get in my fuseboxes :mad: ), everything went well.

I have made (together with a friend) a special cabinet from stainless steel to prevent my cooler "from being inspected by nosy neighborhoood kids".

The result is really good; the temperature in my sumproom is much better controllable now... :spin3:
A few close-up's of very common snails (but still beautiful creatures if looked at from close range):



A gathering...
awesome, awesome, awesome. I love the stainless and the shroud built around the chiller is very cool!

Thanks again for the pictures of your sump room, very tidy and functional!

Keep up the great work!
Many thanks "Serenity", "Strout" and "Dougie" (wow, comments from all the way Down Under)

@ Strout: I think if I propose that to my wife, I might end up with a nice tank in a small appartment as she would probably kick me out... :lol:
Thanks Ebisan,

Haven't seen the spongecrab for a while so i hope it's still alive. They are a master of disguise so it's quite tough to spot them.

Haven't posted for a while (Summer Holidays etc.) but will post some updated pictures when I get home (am at my work now). Bought myself a brandnew camerabody (Nikon D90) with separate lenses (also a separate Macro lens) so I hope you'll see the quality of my pictures going up...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15607879#post15607879 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarineFlake
Future TOTM from the looks of it, good work, fantastic looking setup.

Thanks... But too much honor at this point I am afraid. It is the ultimate goal of course :D

We've found thousands of North Sea Hermits on a sandbank close to the shore, when I was enjoying myself with my family in the Nort Sea this summer. I took 25 home in a bucket and released them in my tank. Must have been a shock for them as the tank water is saltier, warmer and transparant...
Anyway, Nothing exotic as one could find in many other places of the world but still funny creatures...

