dvanacker's 200g SPS tank......


Hey All,

Since it seems I have been spending more and more time here on RC and specifically on in the SPS forum I thought I would post my tank for all to see. Maybe you will enjoy watching the updates on my tank as much as I enjoy watching everyone elses. I find it can be a great motivator. Also I would like the input of all the great informative people here from time to time.

The tank has been set up for just over 1 year now but I will be starting with photo's of the build first.

Here are the specs....

200G (54Lx36Wx26H) w/ starphire front
2 x 400W 20k XM in Lumenarc III w/ 2 x VHO supplements
2 x Tunze 6100 plus 1 x Tunze Wavebox
3 x 40g Sumps in the basement
Return pump is GEN-X MAK4
Skimmer is SWC 250 Xtreme
GFO and GAC in BRS dual reactor
SWC xtreme pellets in large reactor
2 part dosing with BRS dosing pumps
W/C every 2 weeks at 35-40g per
dosing lugols and MB7 as well

Thats all I can think of now.....
On with the pics.....

tank placed in new home.....yeah!! End of July 2009 roughly.

fish room and plumbing started...
You can see I have the MAK4 in the picture. Even though I was advised to go with a bigger pump on my local board I decided on the MAK4 because of the low wattage. It is running @ 103watts and provides about 500gph give or take. Works perfectly.
looks good man, i just got my 90 going but still have to redo the filter when i go to move my corals. can't wait to c more
And here is some more plumbing done.

The skimmer has two sicce pumps. One pump I DIY recirc'd and the other is going to be feed directly from the overflow. Flow to the pump is controlled via the 1" ball valve and it's 3/4" direct into the volute of the 2nd sicce.


I have added the 3rd 40g breeder......this tank is designed to be taken on and off line with the 2" ball valve. It remains online to accumulate detritus, then after two weeks the tank is drained and filled with RO, salt etc and a water change is made never having to lift one drop of water. Not in the picture is the 1" drain on the water change tank.

And we have walls around the fish room.....yeeeah!! Dang finishing the basement is a lot of work.



And the tank with finished stand and canopy....this picture was taken in June 2010

DARRYL, you have a beautiful reef & impressive build!!!

Thanks for sharing, and keep posting!

Looking forward for some close-up shots for your colorful corals.
Very nice, clean set up you have there!!! :beer:

I really wish we could have 'below ground' fish rooms in S.Fla....would give me many more options and greater flexibility.
I love your setup Bro! That's a beautiful tank! I'm really loving the stand!
Man, why were you hiding this gem:lmao:
I love the water change tank idea. I'll be adding that to my future plans:thumbsup:
wow, Very nice! can you give a little more info on how the stand was finished? are those handles? does the front panel come off? and we need some recent FTS!

cant wait.
DARRYL, you have a beautiful reef & impressive build!!!
Thanks for sharing, and keep posting!
Looking forward for some close-up shots for your colorful corals.
thanks Ryan...
Very nice, clean set up you have there!!! :beer:
I really wish we could have 'below ground' fish rooms in S.Fla....would give me many more options and greater flexibility.

Basement sumps/fish rooms are the best...makes working on everything a breeze and cuts down on noise by the display.

thanks for the complement...cheers.!
I love your setup Bro! That's a beautiful tank! I'm really loving the stand!
thanks Jon...I have enjoyed watching your tank progress and it really gave me the idea of starting my own thread. The tile is the same tile that is in our entrance way, kitchen, laundry etc... my orginal plan how ever was to use a man made ledge stone veneer. I even bought the stuff but in the end it was too heavy for the main floor. It would have looked even better though. I have seen online fiberglass versions of faux stone that might be a good idea for a project like this as well.
very very nice!
thanks...I've admired your tank for a while now so that is a big complement.
Man, why were you hiding this gem:lmao:
I love the water change tank idea. I'll be adding that to my future plans:thumbsup:
Tanks saltygeek (love the name). I really wanted to keep maintenance down on this tank and the waterchange tank is amazing. I turn two valves to take the tank offline and drain it then one button to fill it up with RO, add salt,heater and power head and then simply turn the valve again to bring the new water back online.
wow, Very nice! can you give a little more info on how the stand was finished? are those handles? does the front panel come off? and we need some recent FTS!
cant wait.
Thanks Mathew....I remember your old cube tank. Im sure when you get back in the hobby you will have something nice. The stand is skined with plywoods and then tiles added. Since I didnt want doors but still wanted access below (very rare since most equipment is in the basement) I put the skinned skirt on slidder you can get at HD and the handles are to get a good grip so I can pull it out.
Thats nothing. Wait until he shows off his corals!!
Thanks Vlad....when are you going to show off your tank?? It really looked great last time I saw it.
Awesome Darryl! Now we need the close up shots! How do you deal with heat build up??
thanks Mike. I have a few decent shots but no true macro lense....one day.
as for the heat build-up it has never been a problem. Probably because I have a lot of open water and the sumps are in the basement were it is a little colder. Also in the summer I set the thermostat to 75 degrees on the main floor and it stays consistent.
This is a beautiful setup, I really like what you have done with the stand.
Thanks....like I mentioned I had planned on faux stone but the weight was too much.
Time for some updated pics and don't forget the macros :D
Thanks 007 (mike). I sure wish I had a nice macro lense and a photobox to take pictures from above.