Ecotech Radion PRO VS. GHL MITRAS (My thoughts and experiences)

as far as using the radion without plugging in the light to a computor. theres patterns you can use by tapping and swiping the buttons up top. and yes a thunderstorm is one of them.
if you email me I will send you my 6200HV project its a good starting point and gives you something to learn the software from

I believe you ordered through shrimp fever? In the Canadian warehouse we only have 1 of the silver but lots of black, the silvers come back in about 10 days. If you want to switch colours we can ship to your dealer on Monday. Up to you of course.

I am not sure where it was bought because my wife bought it for me as a late father's day gift. It will take two weeks before I get it though and that is probably why it is taking too long. Thank you for all the help and offer. I will message you as soon as possible.
Great write up!
I own 3 mitras. They are hanging over my new 200 gallon tank, which is full of water, but empty of corals at the moment.
I bought them after seriously considering the Pros.
What made me so seriously consider the Pros was the light they produced. Awesome blues amazing colour pop. There is a deep purple cast to the light which is both very appealing yet somewhat unreal.
What made me go with the mitras was the 6 led clusters as opposed to the two larger led clusters on the Radion pros. I knew that the lights could be configured to give almost whatever cast of colour I wanted, but i felt the Mitras could mix those colours together better with more point sources of light to work with.
Not to mention the better light spread from the Mitras..
I have seen the colour and health in sps that both of these lights can produce, in other people's tanks and I can't wait to get some corals under my Mitras.
As for serviceability, I recently upgraded my Mitras from the 6100 led clusters to the 6200 clusters and it was ridiculously easy. Having looked inside the lights and having seen how they are put together, I have total confidence in them and in my abilities to change a part or repair them IF that is ever necessary. Like Micheal said, however, there has yet to be an issue with one.
As for fan noise, I have found that the Pros produce a very slight sound that I don't think would be heard on a medium to larger tank with all equipment going, but the fans on the Mitras really are basically silent.
As for support, I have emailed Micheal on several occasions on weekends or evenings and he has always gotten back to me basically right away.
Clarification. Running the software on vm doesn't make it Mac compatible which is the one reason I chose ecotech over mitras. Not everyone is tech savy.
I am happy with my Mitras, great light the corals have really coloured up.

Only issue is the lack of hanging kit to join two units like the Radion.
mitra X radion

mitra X radion

Ok I was set on Mitra ;/ now i am confused again...;? What should I get... I cannot even findout the price for the mitra.. that may be the deciding factor.... does anyone know the price for mitra where do buy it... and the radion is easier to find the price and from what i have found out i can buy it online... thank you guys for this wonderful information... at least it narrow it down to two LED which for me in confusing enough. I have a lot of Red algae in my tank and from the reading it is caused by the light (old and need replacement) so I am running out of time to keep on the fence.... I appreciate you putting this information out there... I would like just the price of the mitra so I can make up my mind... ;-)
PS. ;-( i am not really knowledge in technology so I may have to get whatever is the easier to work with...
thank you again...


ok I guess I am sold on the UVs but I was wondering how many do I need for a 36X18X24 tall??? I kind of wanted to get just one ;-/ i have no corals yet... actually I am taking my tank dawn, buying a tamp tank until I restart my tank because of those crazy marjentos... but I need the light now because of my MH is old and so is the T5s.
ok so there is only $100 difference on the lights from the mitra to the radion... ok guys... lighten me up in here... what do you guys say about which one you recomend... and why??
ok I guess I am sold on the UVs but I was wondering how many do I need for a 36X18X24 tall??? I kind of wanted to get just one ;-/ i have no corals yet... actually I am taking my tank dawn, buying a tamp tank until I restart my tank because of those crazy marjentos... but I need the light now because of my MH is old and so is the T5s.
ok so there is only $100 difference on the lights from the mitra to the radion... ok guys... lighten me up in here... what do you guys say about which one you recomend... and why??

No questions about it. MITRAS ALL IN. I have used AI's, Radions AND MITRAS.
Hands down Mitras.
I am able to grow SPS and the colors are amazing.
I personally can't wait for the wireless card to control the lights via Profilux. That's the icing on the cake. I know Mitras is expensive but light looks BEAUTIFUL and it has the brains to back it up! Not just looks. If there is ONE piece of equipment I call MUST have I will say MITRAS.



Pictures speak louder than words.
ok I guess I am sold on the UVs but I was wondering how many do I need for a 36X18X24 tall??? I kind of wanted to get just one ;-/ i have no corals yet... actually I am taking my tank dawn, buying a tamp tank until I restart my tank because of those crazy marjentos... but I need the light now because of my MH is old and so is the T5s.
ok so there is only $100 difference on the lights from the mitra to the radion... ok guys... lighten me up in here... what do you guys say about which one you recomend... and why??

Both lights are nice, but I prefer the Mitras. I run both and I prefer the mitras hands down. The ecotech, I ran into lots of problems with the Ballast and Fans. Mitras are German made and quality is much better and I have not worries at all of them breaking down. Ballast are much smaller than the Radions also.

If your going to buy Radions, don't forget you will need to buy Hanging kit if your going to hang them. Mitras come with it.

Programming, is easier on Ecotech, but the Mitra programming has more tweak and you can do much more with the lights than the Radions. The Rolling Clouds, just that sold me. If I want a storm at 9pm, it goes off at 9pm and it's not all the lights at the same time like the Radions. Each light goes off randomly, like a real lighting storm. You can adjust everything with the programming of the mitras.

Programming Mitras

lighting storm: You can adjust brightness of the flash, darkness of the storm rolling over, time of storm to the exact time.

Clouds: Adjusting the each Mitra from master light + or - Seconds so you can really adjust your liking. You can adjust the darkening of the clouds and how many seconds between clouds. Rolling clouds are soo cool.

Rainy Days: You can adjust the darkening of that day you selected.

For the Extra $100, dude, get the Mitras.
I am using Mitras for short time and i switch from MH using them for 12 years..What can i say.. i am glad i did, so far i have only LPS in my new tank and colors i see i never be able to get under MH,. simply amazing.
If you need help with program, i can share mine..I only saw Radions at MACNA and its night and day compare to Mitras..Do yourself a favore spend extra $100 and you will be happy man.:)
Take advange on discount price now :)
Well... I have seen some awesome SPS Tanks full of Large SPS under Radions. Threads currently on RC as we speak.
Mitras? Seen only Rock tanks, with newly glued tiny Frags. So...... Proof is in the pudding I guess!.:spin3:
I would have to agree with Doggydoc..

I love my Mitras, it's footprint is tiny, and produces an incredible amount of light.
It also comes with a top class power supply (Underrated / poor quality power supplies are a bugbear of mine due to the career I'm in!)

I also can't wait for the wireless interface, this will transform the control I have over the equipment in/on the tank at the moment!
I don't doubt the Mitras is a very high quality fixture. However, the fact remains, it is missing the UV spectrum which I feel is the main spectrum you should have.

Without UV, you might as well buy any other fixture as that is the same thing they have.

Radion Pro all the way. If you could only see what a difference UV makes in corals.