Ecotech Radion PRO VS. GHL MITRAS (My thoughts and experiences)

Oh sorry, no theres absolute no talk of this that I know of, but then the Mitras already is kind of packed to the gunnels not sure where else you could go with it to be honest.

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I dont know if this is correct or not, But for some reason I think i remeber that the mitras has one extra led channel that is not used right now when i open up the light composer. is there a way to add a led to the hyper violet puck seeing that it can be removed independatly forme the rest and add an LED that will spike in the 500nm range?
No, the only way of adding anything is if GHL develop new pucks. Im not aware of any development currently but GHL are renowned for listening to feedback, just drop them a line.

What I do know is that they are working on the GHL-Bridge for wifi control and also MY GHL, plus of course the immanent release of the Wifi Doser 2 and other very important projects for 2015. Maybe something for Mitras is in there mix also, but I certainly don't know and im the one that does the trade shows ;)

The only thing new for USA is the Mitras Light Bar.
There are several reasons the mitras are far superior in my opinion. The Mitras spread the pucks out better so less shadowing. The Mitras have 72 LED's running at lower amperage vs 42 LED's running at max. The mitra's will last longer! The Mitra's have a better power supply. Power factor on Advanced Aquarist review of the Radion Pro was .54 vs .99 on the Mitras. Hence a low grade PSU and or underguage wiring while driving the LED's hard. You will have higher amperage on the Radions which doesn't affect your power bill but does generate extra heat and is not as efficient. The Mitra's are PWM dimming vs Current dimming so you don't get color shift at different levels of brightness. We don't like color shifts. The Mitras have 4 fans evenly spaced vs one fan on the bottom of the fixture.
The Mitras (6200) basically have a 2-1 ratio of whites to royal blues. Three different color whites that average to 6200K totalling 30 led's and 12 royal Blue. The radions have 1-1 ratio of 8 white 8 blue. So you get more blue and "pop". They both have violet. The extra LED's is the extra $100. I'd much rather have 30 extra LED's and run them at lower amperage to get more life out of the pucks. The bells and whistles will come as both companies compete. But my concern is not to let the bells and whistles cover your eyes to the underlying differences in the fixtures. To me one is really working on the heart of the fixture for reliability and longevity while another is making things with cheaper core parts, ramping up the amperage, and adding some flashy bells and whistles.
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There are several vendors online for 80/20 t-slot aluminum extrusion. Some on ebay. Just search for that. When building my cnc machine I got most of mine from 8020 inc.
If you want some really nice radion or hydra or diy tank mounts then pm me and I'll tell you a guy that makes them for a very good price and they look very clean!!
my question is what about the radion do you think makes the fish glow? dont the radion and the mitras all have the same light spectrum? or does radion have a different light that causes glow?

While they both share many of the same nm diodes, I suspect that part of the review would change now if he was using the LX7206's. The new UV channel in the new Mitras LX7's would create that glow which I think is the one difference between the Radions and the LX6200's that he was comparing to. The new Mitras have a UV channel as well as other channels that you can uses to really fine tune the lights to bring out colors in fish and corals that you don't ordinarily see under just the typical blue and white diodes. The also offer a new puck for the LX6200's that have a UV channel which can be retrofitting to the LX6200's that accomplish the same thing.
You guys asking about mounting the mitras but not wanting to use the hangers can do what I did. I got a verve mounting kit and and about 4 dollars worth of hardware at the hardware store. Mounts perfectly.