What about the Profilux software? If you ever need a beta tester... lemme know.

Its the one and only reason i have to run Parallels on my mac.
The browser for Profilux with web cam integration has been out a while now, please go to the support forum for more details.
Ecotech told me yesterday that the reeflink got an awesome review in Europe and RB has done a review also.
The GHL version is in final tuning stages and will integrate all their toys into one basket, its taking time to develop due to having a vast amount of integration with the controller/dosers etc that has over 11,000 variable inputs, so not something that can be rushed. The ProfiLux to Mitras communication card was previewed at macna and the hub for non ProfiLux owners is inches away.
Ecotech had the reeflink on display at Macna.
Both companies are already miles ahead of the game from the competition, where other companies just promise GHL and Ecotech just keep on delivering, and again it will be for the user to decide which camp they decide to sit in.
I need to step out of this thread now my original reason for participating has been covered i believe. So unless I see some miss informed post about either unit (to address fairness to both units). My final comment is - A user looking to make a choice between two products (no matter hat they are) should look at the function list, then read as many user reviews as possible, its user experiences on mass that are your biggest tool to making that final leap. Every product has its plus points and every product will have its negatives, the final choice comes down to which plus's are more appealing to you.
Many thanks to everyone for allowing me to participate in this amazing informative thread, in my research to address the UV conundrum I too learnt a mass of information. If you wish to ask any question directly to me on either unit please drop me a pm.