trueblack, here's my 2 cents regarding the two very good led lights; the mitras and the radion pro...
this is coming from a strictly sps nut.... the type of person who spends way too many hours standing over my tank contemplating subtle colour variances in acroporas... yes, i have better things to do, yet i still stand there and stare at my sps....
i have run the mitras over my own tank for over a year and i have installed a pair of pros (g2) over a frag tank on the same system.. i have also seen some pros in action over a couple of other sps tanks..
Both lights have produced great colour and growth for me. But i feel that the pros edge out the mitras in terms of overall performance, especially when ease of use and cost are added to the equation..
I must add that i feel that mh/t5 is still superior for producing the vast and hypnotizing array of colour variance found in acroporas, but sometimes heat and other factors make it difficult to use them.
If you are not a tech/computer person, the radions are MUCH easier to use, set up and program.. and they are slightly less expensive to buy..
I also believe that the 400 and 415 nm leds that are present in the radions but absent in the mitras is a very important consideration..
If GHL were to come out with a new led puck which removed the warmer white leds and replaced them with some real uv, id probably still prefer the mitras, but as the two fixtures are right now, id choose the radion pro g3 over the Mitras 6200hv..
i know some people will say the the 390 to 420nm spectrum is not utilized by the corals for photosynthesis and since humans don't see this area of the spectrum, it isn't really needed but i think that it still plays a role in coral coloration. perhaps this is only the case for acropora..
even if coral don't use this area of light, they must react to it as do humans by producing a change in skin colour.
i have no scientific or engineering background to back this up... it is only my experience that acropora seem to achieve their full colour potential best under mh/t5, but then second on the list would be an led light with a full array of leds which start closer to the 390-400 nm..
having said all this, i want to re state that maybe my uv argument can really only be applied to sps corals and acropora in particular.
If acros are not your holy grail, maybe uv isn't required...
You are aware UV starts at 380nm going below not up and any slight UV spectrum left is completely negated by water refraction.
Please Google UV spectrum charts.
SPS have defense mechanics against UV also to protect themselves. Another worthy google session
what people get confused with is what is called Hyper violet this is why GHL use the term HV not UV, hyper violet is what makes your coral colour pop. However in this hobby everyone has got used to using the term UV which came from the T5 era. Metal halide is the only lamp that really dives into the UV spectrum but then filtered out by UV lenses.
Both Radion and Mitras seem to have pretty near matching spectrum graphs making them both equal contenders for coral "pop"
Thanks for the information and I sent you a pm
Give me a few going to send something now.percula, so what's your thoughts so far? i was debating back and forth and back and forth between the g3 pro and mitras.
if it was between the g2 and mitras, i would easily have picked the mitras.
but the g3 pro got me really interested because they have the newest available generation of cree/other high end manufacture diodes. Not saying that this will automatically make the fixture as a whole better, but it's nice to know that if i'm dropping all that cash, i'll have the most current led diodes available. again, not saying that the mitras has old tech, but it's led diodes are what g2 pros had (correct me if I'm wrong).
with that said, I ended up buying some mitras, go figure. lol. to me, what sold me, even though i wanted the newer led diodes, was that as a led fixture as a whole, the mitras just had what i needed/wanted. all purely preference. I'm sure i would have been just as happy with the g3 pros. Also i like to try out new things that i haven't tried before. again, just my own preference.
i actually went profilux and mitras for my new build (elos 160xl). I just wanted to try something different, other than the popular apex/radion mix, which i've tried already (g1/g2 non pros with apex) and was happy but just curious to see if the grass is greener on the other side.
I have used many types of metal halide and vho combinations and from my point of view nothing compares to the Mitras.
This is quite a bold statement.
I'm curious as to what you mean by it, because the only thing you talked about was the programming, all the "bells and whistles" and how your coral look when under them. I can take any of my coral and put them under a black light bulb and they will look great. This is why when you go to an event like MACNA, all the vendors are running blue leds, it makes the colors pop like a unicorn on acid farting rainbows.
But what about the important stuff like growth, color and overall health of your sps?
Looking forward to your thoughts a year from now.
Well I have a really good project to load on your mitras if you can borrow laptop. Let me know and I will send it and even help you set it up.I thought that I'd update this thread with some info.
I've had the Mitras for a couple of weeks now and havnt got a chance to actually use them. But I could not get them to work on a Mac with parallels running windows 8. Only a few people with computer knowledge was able to do it, even on the Aquarium computer forum, GHL gave up with getting the Mitras to work on Mac with windows 8.
So I went out and bought radion G3 pros and a reeflink. I'm getting rid of all ghl products, not saying they're not good, cuss I havnt even used it. But I think the radions are just a lot more user friendly for non tech savy guys like me. As for the actual lights themselves, I'll do a side by side comaprision of them. Mitras 6100hv vs radion G3 pro.
Imo, The construction and actual lights in my hand, the mitras still seem more robust and better built. But I will say that the radions looks more refined and more modern, the mitras are a little more industrial looking and feels like that too. The mitras just seems like they'll past a drop test vs the radions probably won't. But we aren't gonna drop these lights anyways, lol. I do like the look of the radions a lot. They definitely look a lot more like something built in 2014, vs the mitras do look like an older led unit from few years ago, which they are.
Overall, I think id be happy with either, and having them both Right now is a hard choice for me. But just the programmability of the radions alone makes me steer that route. also ghl is just barely getting into web based cloud controllability, vs the Ecotech products have already been doing it for a while now. And to me, whatever works best on my Mac is the choice that wins it for me. I thought I can make it work, but just couldn't do it without going out and buying another laptop with windows os.
Thanks to all those that post their experiences! Wether you know it and believe it or not, it helps out many out there like me that has to make a choice before dropping thousands of dollars, unfortunately or fortunately, I don't know which id consider myself, I had to get both to know which to go with. And even after buying and owning both, it's still a hard choice. Lol. I will say that if it was a choice between the mitras or the gen2 radions id go with a mitras, but these G3 pros are really stepping up the game.but what do I know, I'm just a reef junkie writing all this at 5am without sleep for 24hrs. Haha
But I could not get them to work on a Mac with parallels running windows 8. Only a few people with computer knowledge was able to do it, even on the Aquarium computer forum, GHL gave up with getting the Mitras to work on Mac with windows 8.
basically the same light with a few different led colors. Like most high-end lamps they all uses cree for main lighting. It took me about 6-8 months to realize sps's don't do well with leds. Now i'm back to mh/t5 and the sps's are looking great again after only a month....if your keeping leathers and zoas you will be very happy with leds.
What rubbish, I have seen many tanks using LEds for a long time and they all look great,. i have used leds for 4 years and never had a issue,Originally Posted by chsub View Post
basically the same light with a few different led colors. Like most high-end lamps they all uses cree for main lighting. It took me about 6-8 months to realize sps's don't do well with leds. Now i'm back to mh/t5 and the sps's are looking great again after only a month....if your keeping leathers and zoas you will be very happy with leds.
There are Mac users who connect to the Mitras using parallels and GHL Control Center, this is not a miracle or an unresolvable problem.
After having a few thousand Mitras out there and a MacOS market share of approx. 8% there are a few hundred Mac users with a Mitras for sure. Related to this the support quote is quite low and the majority uses GCC without issues. We also have GCC running here on 3 Macs.
Anyway, GHL does not give up on a support case as you stated. I don't know when happened what but I ask the support team to check. You can help me to speed things up when you PM me the link to that thread. In complicated cases or when the user has not much PC knowledge we even support via Remote Desktop - so I am confident that problem can be solved.
I know that the Mac guys don't like to use Windows software and everyone is talking about "the cloud". That's why we decided to start our MyGHL service end of this year.
To access the Mitras over the web you'll need our new "GHL-bridge" which connects the Mitras with WiFi, coming also this year. Details will follow.