HI GUYS …..miss me??
Back from my business trip last night and did my weekly testing and WC…. Results not so good :worried:
➢ Temperature â€"œ 28.2 degree C
➢ Salinity â€"œ 1.026
➢ Ph â€"œ 8.15
➢ NO3 â€"œ 10 (increase from last week â€"œ my driver must be over feeding the fishes)
➢ dKH â€"œ 9.0 (old Salifert test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 8.0 (new Salifert test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 8 (API test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ Ca â€"œ 410 (Salifert test kit â€"œ drop slightly from last week)
➢ Mg â€"œ 1470 (Slightly higher than last week)
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.1 (went sky high - using Salifert PO4 Test kit)
➢ Potassium â€"œ 350 (drop more â€"œ could be my salt mix as I just open up a new bucket of TMP?? 1’m going to increase dosing K-Balance 3ml daily this week and see how it goes)
Some of my SPS shows TN :furious: and the colors have faded out. 3 pieces of my SPS have completely TN….from what I can tell, I think it must be due to the high PO4 and NO3, which I must try to get it down. I also increase the intensity of the lights.
Also found about 6-7 snails died during this period so not sure if this was cause by my fishes or something else??
The mystery continues…..