Ed Reef's '295-gallon Peninsular ZEOVit SPS tank'

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Exchange out my Carbon today and did my weekly testing and WC….

➢ Temperature â€"œ 27.6 degree C
➢ Salinity â€"œ 1.026
➢ Ph â€"œ 8.0
➢ NO3 â€"œ 5 (drop from last week â€"œ could be due to normal feeding regime now)
➢ dKH â€"œ 7.7 (old Salifert test kit â€"œ different of 1 drop from last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 7.4 (new Salifert test kit â€"œ same as last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 7 (API test kit â€"œ same as last week)
➢ Ca â€"œ 430 (Salifert test kit)
➢ Mg â€"œ 1410 (slightly drop from last week )
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.03 (using Salifert PO4 Test kit)
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.14 (Still the same as last week - D&D High Sensitivity PO4 Test kit)
➢ Potassium â€"œ 370 (I think it drop slightly - 1'm going to start dosing K-Balance 3ml 3 x/2)

Have to work harder to get my PO4 down to realistic level :mad:

Meanwhile, will be gone for a week’s business trip so leaving my tank in the good hands of my driver …..hope he understand the dosing sequence of Zeovit and remember to fed my fishes !! lol

I love your tank and i have trawled the thread. Could you please let me know what size return pump you are using and what size pipework it is pumping through. I am planning my own tank and would like to set up a closed loop and i am after ideas.

Looks great - keep it up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12887156#post12887156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kirsto71

I love your tank and i have trawled the thread. Could you please let me know what size return pump you are using and what size pipework it is pumping through. I am planning my own tank and would like to set up a closed loop and i am after ideas.

Looks great - keep it up.

Hi Marc,

I'm using reflo Hammerhead as the return pump spit into 2 x 1" return back to main tank....

Woo congrates on the split Ed, it is nice to see all these pictures for quick review of your tank. It is also good to see everything coming alone nicely. Good work man
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12889911#post12889911 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thirschmann
How are things? Improving hopefully. A beautiful setup and tank regardless of the setbacks.

How are the corals doing?

Hi thirschmann and thanks for your kind words. Need to reduce my PO4 as my corals color have dull out a little and with the dKH difference between the old tank (old tank i used to keep my dKH around 9dKH) and new Zeovit tank, some did shows some sign of STN from the base but all have stop now so I think the worst is now over :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12891157#post12891157 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by amashun
Woo congrates on the split Ed, it is nice to see all these pictures for quick review of your tank. It is also good to see everything coming alone nicely. Good work man

Thanks amashun - things are getting better and hopefully my worst are over... :D


HI GUYS …..miss me??

Back from my business trip last night and did my weekly testing and WC…. Results not so good :worried:

➢ Temperature â€"œ 28.2 degree C
➢ Salinity â€"œ 1.026
➢ Ph â€"œ 8.15
➢ NO3 â€"œ 10 (increase from last week â€"œ my driver must be over feeding the fishes)
➢ dKH â€"œ 9.0 (old Salifert test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 8.0 (new Salifert test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 8 (API test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ Ca â€"œ 410 (Salifert test kit â€"œ drop slightly from last week)
➢ Mg â€"œ 1470 (Slightly higher than last week)
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.1 (went sky high - using Salifert PO4 Test kit)
➢ Potassium â€"œ 350 (drop more â€"œ could be my salt mix as I just open up a new bucket of TMP?? 1’m going to increase dosing K-Balance 3ml daily this week and see how it goes)

Some of my SPS shows TN :furious: and the colors have faded out. 3 pieces of my SPS have completely TN….from what I can tell, I think it must be due to the high PO4 and NO3, which I must try to get it down. I also increase the intensity of the lights.

Also found about 6-7 snails died during this period so not sure if this was cause by my fishes or something else??

The mystery continues….. :confused:


HI GUYS …..miss me??

Back from my business trip last night and did my weekly testing and WC…. Results not so good :worried:

➢ Temperature â€"œ 28.2 degree C
➢ Salinity â€"œ 1.026
➢ Ph â€"œ 8.15
➢ NO3 â€"œ 10 (increase from last week â€"œ my driver must be over feeding the fishes)
➢ dKH â€"œ 9.0 (old Salifert test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 8.0 (new Salifert test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ dKH â€"œ 8 (API test kit â€"œ increase from last week)
➢ Ca â€"œ 410 (Salifert test kit â€"œ drop slightly from last week)
➢ Mg â€"œ 1470 (Slightly higher than last week)
➢ PO4 â€"œ 0.1 (went sky high - using Salifert PO4 Test kit)
➢ Potassium â€"œ 350 (drop more â€"œ could be my salt mix as I just open up a new bucket of TMP?? 1’m going to increase dosing K-Balance 3ml daily this week and see how it goes)

Some of my SPS shows TN :furious: and the colors have faded out. 3 pieces of my SPS have completely TN….from what I can tell, I think it must be due to the high PO4 and NO3, which I must try to get it down. I also increase the intensity of the lights.

Also found about 6-7 snails died during this period so not sure if this was cause by my fishes or something else??

The mystery continues….. :confused:
hey ed,

sucks to come home to elevated nutrient parameters, but I am sure you'll have things back in check in no time :)

Any updates on the PO4 level?? pretty sure its just from the overfeeding?
hehe, I just had a thought that a compelling argument could be made that we should all have our reefs on reef cams, just so somebody can make sure the tank sitter is doing a good job :)

we can have whole threads for watching tank sitters to make sure they do not overfeed and stuff :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12949250#post12949250 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RyanBrucks
hehe, I just had a thought that a compelling argument could be made that we should all have our reefs on reef cams, just so somebody can make sure the tank sitter is doing a good job :)

we can have whole threads for watching tank sitters to make sure they do not overfeed and stuff :)

I think having a webcam during one of my business trips or one of my 'much needed holiday break' will only cause me an heart attack..... :p but the good news is all my fishes are all very fat whenever I'm away... :rollface:

See no evil, do no evil... :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12949234#post12949234 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RyanBrucks
hey ed,

sucks to come home to elevated nutrient parameters, but I am sure you'll have things back in check in no time :)

Any updates on the PO4 level?? pretty sure its just from the overfeeding?

I've increase my dosage of Zeobak to counter it so will see if this weekend it should start to come down.... (I hope anyway) :eek2:

But still cannot understand the increase in my Mg??? :confused:
It's hard to blame a tank sitter, fish are extremely competent scam-artists. Tank sitters always get fooled by the fishie "hungry dance". It's a ploy for suckers by our aquatic pets to get even more food tossed in.

We owners know exactly how much to feed them to keep them happy and healthy (i.e. whatever they can consume in a minute or two).

Good luck getting your nutrient levels down Ed, I hope everything works out.
Thanks BigJay....yeah, the are good.....really good in their "hungry dance". Not to mention the face they put up... "fed me...fed me..." !!
I feel your pain!

I left those seven day pill boxes with measured portions of foods. My prepared combination in the AM and a modest frozen offering for the afternoon. Just got back and my tank looks so good , i may go away again! Two years ago, I had a sitter run amuck with frozen and I ended up fighting major HA for months!
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